Discover the gripping tale of 'Snakes And Ladders,' a compelling novel that delves into the complexities of adolescence, friendship, and the burden of secrets. This thrilling story revolves around Finn, whose life takes a dramatic turn when he is sent away to an exclusive boarding school, escaping the suffocating whispers of small-town gossip about his father's trial for manslaughter. As he navigates his new environment, Finn feels like a fish out of water, but soon finds camaraderie in unexpected friendships and a budding romance with Mia, a talented member of the symphonic band. However, the whispers of blackmail and deceit linger, creating a constant tension in his life. Will Finn uncover the truth and confront his fears before it’s too late? This engaging read is packed with suspense and emotional depth, making it perfect for those who enjoy young adult fiction, stories of self-discovery, and confronting life's challenges. With a total of 296 pages, this book by Scholastic New Zealand Ltd will captivate readers and resonate with anyone who has faced the struggles of growing up. Ideal for ages 13 and up, it's a must-have addition to your literary collection. Grab your copy today and embark on a journey of resilience, choice, and growth. Delivery options are available to ensure you receive your book quickly and efficiently, so you can dive into this exciting narrative without delay.
ISBN: 9781775430407
Number of Pages 296
Finn's druggie Dad is on trial for manslaughter, and so Finn is sent away to an exclusive boarding school to remove him from the small-town gossip machine. At first he feels a bit like a fish out of water, but soon makes some good friends, and even scores with the Mia, who plays in the symphonic band with him. However there is someone who knows Finn's secret ...Blackmail and lies ...will Finn ever face the truth? It's not until disaster befalls one of his friends at an illicit after-ball party that Finn learns what is most important in life.Read less
ISBN: 9781775430407
Number of Pages 296
Finn's druggie Dad is on trial for manslaughter, and so Finn is sent away to an exclusive boarding school to remove him from the small-town gossip machine. At first he feels a bit like a fish out of water, but soon makes some good friends, and even scores with the Mia, who plays in the symphonic band with him. However there is someone who knows Finn's secret ...Blackmail and lies ...will Finn ever face the truth? It's not until disaster befalls one of his friends at an illicit after-ball party that Finn learns what is most important in life.Read less