Discover the captivating narrative of 'Single & Single,' a richly woven psychological thriller that explores the intricate themes of familial loyalty and deceit. This B-format paperback, published in 2018 by Penguin UK, features 384 pages of intense storytelling that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The novel begins with the shocking murder of a corporate lawyer from the House of Single & Single, set against the stunning backdrop of a Turkish hillside. The plot thickens as a children's entertainer in Devon faces a perplexing bank situation due to an unexpected influx of cash. A Russian freighter's arrest in the Black Sea adds another layer of intrigue, while a celebrated London financier mysteriously vanishes. As a British customs officer embarks on a gripping journey through corruption and murder, readers are drawn into a world full of suspense and unexpected twists. 'Single and Single' is an essential addition to your bookshelf, showcasing John le Carré at the pinnacle of his storytelling prowess. This enthralling novel of love, deceit, and the resilience of the human spirit is a must-read for fans of psychological fiction. Order now and immerse yourself in this magical and riotous tale. Fast shipping available to ensure you receive your copy quickly and effortlessly.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241322505
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2018
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 384
A complex, psychological novel about familial loyalty, new to Penguin Modern Classics
A corporate lawyer from the House of Single & Single is shot dead in cold blood on a Turkish hillside. A children's entertainer in Devon is hauled to his local bank late at night to explain a monumental influx of cash. A Russian freighter is arrested in the Black Sea. A celebrated London financier has disappeared into thin air. A British customs officer is on a trail of corruption and murder. The logical connection of these events is one of the many pleasures of this extraordinary new novel of love, deceit and the triumph of humanity. Single and Single is a thrilling journey of the human heart - intimate, magical and riotous, revealing le Carre at the height of his dramatic and creative powers.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241322505
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2018
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 384
A complex, psychological novel about familial loyalty, new to Penguin Modern Classics
A corporate lawyer from the House of Single & Single is shot dead in cold blood on a Turkish hillside. A children's entertainer in Devon is hauled to his local bank late at night to explain a monumental influx of cash. A Russian freighter is arrested in the Black Sea. A celebrated London financier has disappeared into thin air. A British customs officer is on a trail of corruption and murder. The logical connection of these events is one of the many pleasures of this extraordinary new novel of love, deceit and the triumph of humanity. Single and Single is a thrilling journey of the human heart - intimate, magical and riotous, revealing le Carre at the height of his dramatic and creative powers.