Discover the captivating world of *Shroud of Eternity*, a mesmerizing tale authored by the renowned Terry Goodkind. In this enthralling fantasy novel, we follow the formidable Nicci, known as the Sister of the Light and the Sister of the Dark, who faces her most harrowing challenge yet in an uncharted journey through perilous lands. This 592-page B-format paperback, published by Bloomsbury in 2018, immerses readers in the depths of magic, darkness, and destiny as Nicci embarks on a quest that could save or doom her world.
With dark prophecies guiding her, Nicci, alongside her loyal companions Nathan and Bannon, bravely ventures toward the legendary city of Ildakar, a realm shrouded in time and mystery. As they navigate grotesque omens—decapitated heads adorning pikes, a creature of darkness, and an army turned to stone—readers will be gripped by the unimaginable horrors awaiting within the *Shroud of Eternity*.
Perfect for fans of epic fantasy, this gripping installment showcases immersive storytelling and deep character development. Experience the struggle against dark forces as Nicci's resolve is tested at every turn. Don’t miss out on adding this brilliantly crafted tale to your collection.
Delivery Information: Your order of *Shroud of Eternity* will be processed promptly, ensuring you receive the book quickly, so you can delve into this epic journey without delay.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781786691699
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2018
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages: 592
Sister of the Light, Sister of the Dark. The Slave Queen, Death's Mistress.
Nicci has gone by many names and faced many challenges, but now she faces her greatest test yet on a perlious journey into uncharted lands.
'And the Sorceress must save the world'.
Guided by the witch-woman Red's mysterious prophecy, Nicci and her companions Nathan and Bannon make their way south of Kol Adair towards Ildakar, a fabled city shrouded behind time. But the grotesque omens on their path severed heads on pikes, a monster born of dark arts, and a petrified army of half a million are just a taste of the unimaginable horrors that await within the Shroud of Eternity.
With dark prophecies guiding her, Nicci, alongside her loyal companions Nathan and Bannon, bravely ventures toward the legendary city of Ildakar, a realm shrouded in time and mystery. As they navigate grotesque omens—decapitated heads adorning pikes, a creature of darkness, and an army turned to stone—readers will be gripped by the unimaginable horrors awaiting within the *Shroud of Eternity*.
Perfect for fans of epic fantasy, this gripping installment showcases immersive storytelling and deep character development. Experience the struggle against dark forces as Nicci's resolve is tested at every turn. Don’t miss out on adding this brilliantly crafted tale to your collection.
Delivery Information: Your order of *Shroud of Eternity* will be processed promptly, ensuring you receive the book quickly, so you can delve into this epic journey without delay.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781786691699
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2018
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages: 592
Sister of the Light, Sister of the Dark. The Slave Queen, Death's Mistress.
Nicci has gone by many names and faced many challenges, but now she faces her greatest test yet on a perlious journey into uncharted lands.
'And the Sorceress must save the world'.
Guided by the witch-woman Red's mysterious prophecy, Nicci and her companions Nathan and Bannon make their way south of Kol Adair towards Ildakar, a fabled city shrouded behind time. But the grotesque omens on their path severed heads on pikes, a monster born of dark arts, and a petrified army of half a million are just a taste of the unimaginable horrors that await within the Shroud of Eternity.