Discover the captivating world of 'Shirley,' a timeless classic published by Wordsworth Classics. This exquisite paperback edition, introduced by esteemed scholar Sally Minogue, delves into the complexities of gender roles and societal expectations in the early 19th century. Set against a backdrop of social upheaval, 'Shirley' follows the lives of two contrasting women, the financially independent Shirley and her struggling friend Caroline, as they navigate their identities amidst the male-dominated society of their time.
The novel brings to life the challenges faced by Louis, the powerless tutor, and Robert, the industrious cloth-manufacturing brother, as they too grapple with societal pressures. With themes of class disenfranchisement, Luddite machine-breaking, and the repercussions of the Napoleonic Wars, this captivating narrative is a profound exploration of women's independence and resilience. Ideal for fans of classic literature, historical novels, and feminist themes, 'Shirley' remains a thought-provoking read.
Whether you are a literature aficionado or a casual reader, this paperback edition is a must-have addition to your bookshelf. Perfect for study, gift-giving, or personal enjoyment, immerse yourself in a world where women's voices are heard and their stories unfold.
Order 'Shirley (Wordsworth Classics)' today and enjoy fast delivery, ensuring you receive your book promptly to savor the literary brilliance of Charlotte Brontë's rich storytelling.
Title: Shirley (Wordsworth Classics)
Publisher: -
Publication Date: 1998
Binding: Paperback
With an Introduction and Notes by Sally Minogue
The Shirley of the title is a woman of independent means; her friend Caroline is not. Both struggle with what a woman's role is and can be. Their male counterparts - Louis, the powerless tutor, and Robert, his cloth-manufacturing brother - also stand at odds to society's expectations. The novel is set in a period of social and political ferment, featuring class disenfranchisement, the drama of Luddite machine-breaking, and the divisive effects of the Napoleonic Wars.
The novel brings to life the challenges faced by Louis, the powerless tutor, and Robert, the industrious cloth-manufacturing brother, as they too grapple with societal pressures. With themes of class disenfranchisement, Luddite machine-breaking, and the repercussions of the Napoleonic Wars, this captivating narrative is a profound exploration of women's independence and resilience. Ideal for fans of classic literature, historical novels, and feminist themes, 'Shirley' remains a thought-provoking read.
Whether you are a literature aficionado or a casual reader, this paperback edition is a must-have addition to your bookshelf. Perfect for study, gift-giving, or personal enjoyment, immerse yourself in a world where women's voices are heard and their stories unfold.
Order 'Shirley (Wordsworth Classics)' today and enjoy fast delivery, ensuring you receive your book promptly to savor the literary brilliance of Charlotte Brontë's rich storytelling.
Title: Shirley (Wordsworth Classics)
Publisher: -
Publication Date: 1998
Binding: Paperback
With an Introduction and Notes by Sally Minogue
The Shirley of the title is a woman of independent means; her friend Caroline is not. Both struggle with what a woman's role is and can be. Their male counterparts - Louis, the powerless tutor, and Robert, his cloth-manufacturing brother - also stand at odds to society's expectations. The novel is set in a period of social and political ferment, featuring class disenfranchisement, the drama of Luddite machine-breaking, and the divisive effects of the Napoleonic Wars.