Experience the gripping tale of survival in the enchanting setting of medieval Japan with 'Shipwrecks'. This mesmerizing story, introduced by the acclaimed author David Mitchell, transports readers to a coastal village where young Isaku faces the harsh realities of life after his father's departure. As he learns essential skills like fishing and salt distillation, he also grapples with the mysterious legend of O-fune-sama, entwined with the shipwrecks that occasionally gift the village with unexpected treasures. But when a fateful shipwreck occurs, Isaku and his fellow villagers discover that the true nature of their so-called blessing is dark and foreboding, bringing life-changing consequences. This book, published by A&U Canongate in 2017, spans 176 pages and is perfect for readers who crave tales of resilience and exploration. Searching for an engaging historical fiction novel or a captivating coming-of-age story? Don't miss out on 'Shipwrecks' and its unique blend of adventure and folklore.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781786890535
Year: 2017
Publisher: A&U Canongate
Pages: 176
Introduced by David Mitchell
In a coastal village in medieval Japan, a young boy called Isaku battles to keep his family alive against the odds. With his father gone, Isaku is forced to grow up well before his time. He must learn how to catch fish, how to distil salt, and about all the mysteries of the vast churning sea, not least the legend of O-fune-sama, of ships wrecked offshore providing the village with unexpected bounty.
When a ship founders on the rocks, Isaku and the villagers rejoice. Long have they prayed for the sea's gifts. But the cargo is not at all the blessing they hoped for. At first mystifying, then terrifying, something dark is coming ashore and it's about to change their lives forever.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781786890535
Year: 2017
Publisher: A&U Canongate
Pages: 176
Introduced by David Mitchell
In a coastal village in medieval Japan, a young boy called Isaku battles to keep his family alive against the odds. With his father gone, Isaku is forced to grow up well before his time. He must learn how to catch fish, how to distil salt, and about all the mysteries of the vast churning sea, not least the legend of O-fune-sama, of ships wrecked offshore providing the village with unexpected bounty.
When a ship founders on the rocks, Isaku and the villagers rejoice. Long have they prayed for the sea's gifts. But the cargo is not at all the blessing they hoped for. At first mystifying, then terrifying, something dark is coming ashore and it's about to change their lives forever.