Discover the heartwarming journey depicted in 'Seven Lives on Salt River,' a captivating paperback that chronicles the unique experiences of various characters living by the vibrant Salt River. This beautifully crafted story, published by Oratia Media in 2021, immerses readers in the rich cultural tapestry of the region, exploring themes of resilience, friendship, and the profound connection between people and nature. Ideal for fans of contemporary fiction and those looking for a relatable narrative, Seven Lives on Salt River expands on the intricate relationships that define our lives. As you turn each page, you'll delve into the compelling stories that reveal how our surroundings can shape our destinies. With a brand new condition, this paperback is a perfect addition to anyone's collection who cherishes meaningful literature. Whether you're searching for a gift for a loved one or seeking a delightful read for yourself, this title promises an enriching experience. Purchase now and enjoy rapid delivery within New Zealand, ensuring you can dive into this unforgettable tale without delay. Transform your reading journey with 'Seven Lives on Salt River.'
Seven Lives on Salt River (Paperback)
Condition: BRAND NEW
Publisher: Oratia Media, Auckland
Publication Date: 2021
Binding: Paperback
Seven Lives on Salt River (Paperback)
Condition: BRAND NEW
Publisher: Oratia Media, Auckland
Publication Date: 2021
Binding: Paperback