Seven Kites Of Matariki

SKU: PR78648

Sale price$34.10


Introducing the enchanting 'Seven Kites of Matariki', a beautifully illustrated children’s book that captures the spirit of the Maori New Year. This captivating story celebrates the Matariki stars and the traditions surrounding them, making it an essential addition to any children's book collection. In this delightful tale, the seventh sister, Ururangi, embarks on her journey of kite-making, symbolizing new beginnings and cultural heritage. As the kites soar into the sky, they transform into the Matariki stars, reminding us of the importance of family and remembrance. Perfect for young readers curious about Maori culture, this Te Reo edition invites children on a magical adventure that seamlessly interweaves storytelling with rich cultural history. With 32 pages of stunning illustrations, 'Seven Kites of Matariki' not only entertains but educates, making it a perfect gift for birthday celebrations, Matariki festivities, or any occasion celebrating Maori identity. Whether you are looking for educational books for kids or unique Maori literature, this charming tale will surely delight. Add 'Seven Kites of Matariki' to your cart today and explore the world of Matariki together with your little ones! Delivery information: Expect delivery within 3-5 business days across New Zealand, ensuring you have this delightful book in hand soon.

ISBN: 9781775434016
Number of Pages 32

Te Reo edition - Nga Manu Tukutuku e Whitu o Matariki ISBN 9781775433057.
It was deep mid-winter and all through the village preparations were being made to farewell the old year and greet the new. For the first time ever, the seventh little sister, Ururangi, was big enough to m...ake her own celebrartion kite. But when the seven sisters take the finishe kites to fly them, the east wind whips them all away into the sky...where they now appear as the stars of Matariki to welcome the Maori new year.

"A fictional retelling of the traditional Matariki story"

The te reo Maori version is available on ISBN: 9781775433057Read less

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