Senior Moments Ageing Disgracefully

SKU: PR350638

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Bibliographic Details
Title: Senior Moments Ageing Disgracefully
Publisher: Bonnier Books Ltd, United Kingdom, Dorking
Publication Date: 2019
Binding: Paperback

Everyone has at some stage had a "senior moment," whether you've called your child by the wrong name, returned from the supermarket without the one item you went out for in the first place, or even moaned at the annoying kid who is playing their music too loud. The years may keep piling up and our bodies may be losing the ultimate battle against gravity, but our humor remains the same! Senior Moments: Ageing Disgracefully is an amusing collection of some of the best of two-time "Henries" winner, Tim Whyatt's hilarious imagery, depicting the highs, lows, laughter, and indignities of later life.
From the Author:
Tim Whyatt is an Australian cartoonist best known for his humorous range of greeting cards "Traces of Nuts."

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