Explore the enchanting world of 'Five Children And It' from the Scholastic Classics series. This timeless story, perfect for young readers and nostalgic adults alike, follows five adventurous siblings—Cyril, Robert, Anthea, Jane, and Lamb—who relocate from bustling London to serene countryside living. Unbeknownst to them, a simple day of play in a gravel pit turns extraordinary when they discover a grumpy sand-fairy known as The Psammead. With the miraculous ability to grant wishes, The Psammead’s magical gifts lead to hilarious and sometimes disastrous outcomes. This classic novel beautifully weaves themes of friendship, family bonds, and the awe of childhood imagination. With its 225 pages of captivating narrative, this book is a delightful addition to any home library. Enjoy many unforgettable moments filled with curiosity and charm while you discover the adventures of the Five Children and Their Sand-Fairy. Order now for prompt delivery, ensuring you have this beloved classic in your hands in no time. Whether you're purchasing for a budding young reader or revisiting a cherished memory, 'Five Children And It' promises to entertain and inspire. Perfect for classroom settings, family reading times, and gift-giving, this edition will transport both kids and adults to a world of wonder. Grab your copy today and embark on a journey into the magical realms of literature.
ISBN: 9781407145419
Number of Pages 225
When Cyril, Robert, Anthea, Jane and Lamb move from the bright lights of London to the quiet countryside, there is little to do to amuse themselves. However one day while playing in the gravel-pit, they uncover a grumpy sand-fairy called The Psammead. The Psammead has the power t...o grant wishes, but having been buried for so long- things tend to go awry with disastrous and often hilarious consequences. Join the Five Children and It on this classic tale of family, friendship and magical adventure.Read less
ISBN: 9781407145419
Number of Pages 225
When Cyril, Robert, Anthea, Jane and Lamb move from the bright lights of London to the quiet countryside, there is little to do to amuse themselves. However one day while playing in the gravel-pit, they uncover a grumpy sand-fairy called The Psammead. The Psammead has the power t...o grant wishes, but having been buried for so long- things tend to go awry with disastrous and often hilarious consequences. Join the Five Children and It on this classic tale of family, friendship and magical adventure.Read less