Discover the captivating world of 'Saving Agnes,' the award-winning novel that delves into the life of Agnes Day, a relatable and charmingly flawed protagonist. This engaging literary piece, published by Faber in 2019, has captured hearts and minds while winning the prestigious Whitbread First Novel Award. Follow the journey of Agnes, a sub-editor navigating the challenges of suburban life, who struggles with her identity and her understanding of the world around her. Are you ready to immerse yourself in a tale of self-discovery and romantic misadventures? Perfect for readers who enjoy contemporary fiction, 'Saving Agnes' unveils the sometimes painful, often humorous gaps in Agnes's perception of life and love. With her terminally middle-class background, Agnes’s attempts to blend into a world that moves on without her make for a poignant and entertaining read. Whether you are a fan of character-driven narratives or looking for novels that explore the complexities of modern life, 'Saving Agnes' is a must-read. Order now and experience the intricacies of Agnes's world while enjoying our fast delivery options; your book will arrive at your doorstep in no time, ensuring your journey into Agnes’s life starts as soon as possible.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780571350902
Year: 2019
Publisher: Faber
Winner of the Whitbread First Novel Award
Agnes Day - sub-editor, suburbanite, failure extraordinaire - has discovered disconcerting gaps in her general understanding of the world. Terminally middle-class and incurably romantic, Agnes finds herself chronically confused by the most basic interactions. Life and love go on without her, but with a little facade she can pass herself off as a success. Beneath the fiction, however, the burden of truth becomes harder to bear.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780571350902
Year: 2019
Publisher: Faber
Winner of the Whitbread First Novel Award
Agnes Day - sub-editor, suburbanite, failure extraordinaire - has discovered disconcerting gaps in her general understanding of the world. Terminally middle-class and incurably romantic, Agnes finds herself chronically confused by the most basic interactions. Life and love go on without her, but with a little facade she can pass herself off as a success. Beneath the fiction, however, the burden of truth becomes harder to bear.