Discover the enchanting world of 'Save Planet Drizzlebottom (Super Space Kids!)'! This delightful children's book, written by renowned entertainer Peter Andre, takes young readers on an extraordinary adventure to the colorless Planet Drizzlebottom. With 32 beautifully illustrated pages, Millie and Theo embark on a thrilling outer-space expedition that sparks their imagination and curiosity. Perfect for kids who dream of exploring the universe, this engaging story combines humor, friendship, and the importance of environmental awareness. Join Millie and Theo as they uncover the mysteries of the only dull planet in the solar system and learn valuable lessons about saving our planet! Ideal for children aged 5-10, this book is a fantastic way to inspire future generations about space travel while promoting eco-consciousness. Whether it's storytime at home or a classroom read-aloud, 'Save Planet Drizzlebottom' is a must-have addition to your child's book collection. Order now and ignite a love for reading and adventure in your little ones! Fast delivery options available to ensure your child can start their space journey as soon as possible! We specialize in delivering top-quality children's literature right to your doorstep!
Save Planet Drizzlebottom (Super Space Kids!)
By Andre, Peter
Number of Pages 32
Millie and Theo can't believe their school has been chosen for an outer-space expedition. Millie has always wanted to visit other planets and Theo can't wait for a few days off school! Why did the trip have to be to the only dull and dreary planet in the solar system though? And ...why is everything there so grey? Millie and Theo are sure to find out - Planet Drizzlebottom here we come! The first children's book by singer and entertainer, Peter Andre.
Save Planet Drizzlebottom (Super Space Kids!)
By Andre, Peter
Number of Pages 32
Millie and Theo can't believe their school has been chosen for an outer-space expedition. Millie has always wanted to visit other planets and Theo can't wait for a few days off school! Why did the trip have to be to the only dull and dreary planet in the solar system though? And ...why is everything there so grey? Millie and Theo are sure to find out - Planet Drizzlebottom here we come! The first children's book by singer and entertainer, Peter Andre.