Discover the timeless tale of 'Sanshiro,' a cherished novel by renowned author Natsume Soseki, now available in a beautifully translated edition by Jay Rubin. This brand new B-format paperback, published by Penguin UK in 2010, contains 288 pages of Soseki's insightful prose. Sanshiro takes you on a compelling journey through the bustling streets of Tokyo, where a naive 23-year-old leaves the tranquility of his countryside home to immerse himself in the vibrant and complex world of the city. Experience the poignant contrast between innocence and the often harsh realities of urban life in this classic piece of Japanese literature. Perfect for fans of literary fiction and those interested in social and cultural commentary, this novel explores themes of humor, loss, and the everyday struggles of youth. A great addition to any collection, 'Sanshiro' not only entertains but also provides deep reflections on the nature of life and society in early 20th-century Japan. Ideal for students, book clubs, or any literature enthusiast, this edition is a must-read! Don't miss your chance to own this modern classic. Free delivery available for all orders within New Zealand, ensuring you can enjoy this masterpiece right from the comfort of your home.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780140455625
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2010
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 288
Jay Rubin's translation of Soseki's cherished novel, new to Penguin Classics
One of Soseki's most beloved works of fiction, the novel depicts the 23-year-old Sanshiro leaving the sleepy countryside for the first time in his life to experience the constantly moving 'real world' of Tokyo, its women and university. In the subtle tension between our appreciation of Soseki's lively humour and our awareness of Sanshiro's doomed innocence, the novel comes to life. Sanshiro is also penetrating social and cultural commentary.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780140455625
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2010
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 288
Jay Rubin's translation of Soseki's cherished novel, new to Penguin Classics
One of Soseki's most beloved works of fiction, the novel depicts the 23-year-old Sanshiro leaving the sleepy countryside for the first time in his life to experience the constantly moving 'real world' of Tokyo, its women and university. In the subtle tension between our appreciation of Soseki's lively humour and our awareness of Sanshiro's doomed innocence, the novel comes to life. Sanshiro is also penetrating social and cultural commentary.