Dive into the captivating world of Sachi's Monstrous Appetite, a thrilling tale that blends romance, fantasy, and adventure. This enchanting graphic novel follows Makie, a love-struck boy who prepares delicious, homemade meals for his charismatic classmate, Sachi. As their relationship blossoms, Makie discovers Sachi's hidden identity: she is a shapeshifting monster known as a watari. Drawn by Makie's irresistible scent, Sachi's love is put to the ultimate test as she protects him from other hungry monsters. With stunning illustrations and a gripping storyline, this unique graphic novel captures the essence of love and danger in a delightful balance. Explore themes of friendship, affection, and the sacrifices made in the name of love as Makie navigates a world where he is both cherished and hunted. With 192 pages filled with breathtaking visuals and intriguing narratives, Sachi's Monstrous Appetite will keep you turning the pages, eager to uncover the fate of Makie and Sachi. Perfect for fans of graphic novels and supernatural romance, this book is a must-have addition to your collection. Grab your copy now and embark on this delightful adventure that showcases the power of love and the dark side of desire. Enjoy fast shipping and exceptional service with every order, ensuring you receive this new release promptly!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781646511730
Year: 2021
Pages: 192
Makie's a boy in love, with his tall, older classmate Sachi. As a sign of his affection, he makes Sachi a special lunch every day. Sachi loves Makie, too, but she has a secret... she's actually a shapeshifting monster called a watari, and she was drawn to Makie because he smells...delicious! But it's not just Sachi who's drawn to Makie's scent, and soon, he realizes the entire monster world is after him. Fortunately, Sachi's a watari who eats watari, and she pledges to protect him. But how long can Makie survive, with Sachi's appetite the only thing between him and a monster's belly?
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781646511730
Year: 2021
Pages: 192
Makie's a boy in love, with his tall, older classmate Sachi. As a sign of his affection, he makes Sachi a special lunch every day. Sachi loves Makie, too, but she has a secret... she's actually a shapeshifting monster called a watari, and she was drawn to Makie because he smells...delicious! But it's not just Sachi who's drawn to Makie's scent, and soon, he realizes the entire monster world is after him. Fortunately, Sachi's a watari who eats watari, and she pledges to protect him. But how long can Makie survive, with Sachi's appetite the only thing between him and a monster's belly?