Discover the captivating narrative of 'Rush to Riches: Kauri and Gold 3 - The NZ Series', an extraordinary exploration of New Zealand's rich history. This brand new publication, produced by the esteemed University of Hawaii Press in 2020, offers a deep dive into the historical significance of the kauri timber and gold rushes that shaped New Zealand's economy and culture. Readers will be enthralled by vivid accounts, striking illustrations, and the intricate stories of those who participated in these transformative events.
Delivered in PAP binding, this book promises durability alongside its engaging content, making it a perfect addition to any history enthusiast's collection. Whether you're an avid reader or a collector of New Zealand history, 'Rush to Riches' is a must-have for your bookshelf! Experience the allure of New Zealand's past through this beautifully crafted book.
Order now and enjoy fast delivery across New Zealand! Embrace the opportunity to learn about the kauri trees, the gold rush, and how these elements contributed to the thriving nation we know today. Enhance your understanding of New Zealand's heritage with this invaluable resource that is sure to enlighten and inspire.
Rush to Riches Kauri and Gold 3 The NZ Series
Condition: BRAND NEW
Publisher: University of Hawaii Press
Publication Date: 2020
Binding: PAP
Delivered in PAP binding, this book promises durability alongside its engaging content, making it a perfect addition to any history enthusiast's collection. Whether you're an avid reader or a collector of New Zealand history, 'Rush to Riches' is a must-have for your bookshelf! Experience the allure of New Zealand's past through this beautifully crafted book.
Order now and enjoy fast delivery across New Zealand! Embrace the opportunity to learn about the kauri trees, the gold rush, and how these elements contributed to the thriving nation we know today. Enhance your understanding of New Zealand's heritage with this invaluable resource that is sure to enlighten and inspire.
Rush to Riches Kauri and Gold 3 The NZ Series
Condition: BRAND NEW
Publisher: University of Hawaii Press
Publication Date: 2020
Binding: PAP