Discover the captivating narrative of 'Return to Harikoa Bay' by Owen Marshall, a master storyteller whose brand-new collection of tales dives deep into the heart of New Zealand's unique landscape. This trade paperback, published by Random House NZ in 2022, spans 304 pages and is designed for readers who appreciate rich storytelling and profound human experiences. Marshall's superbly subversive stories offer a diverse array of topics—from untimely deaths to unexpected revelations about friends and neighbors. Each narrative is a finely woven tapestry that showcases the complexities of life, love, and the threads that bind us to our places and people.
Immersive and insightful, 'Return to Harikoa Bay' reveals the power of memory and the personal journeys we undertake. With engaging anecdotes and vivid scenes, Marshall's voice resonates with both humor and wisdom, inviting readers to ponder their own connections to home and belonging. This collection is perfect for any lover of contemporary New Zealand literature, looking to explore the depths of human emotion and the interplay between our histories and identities.
Order now and experience the profound storytelling that will leave you reflecting long after the last page turns!
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Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143776536
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2022
Pages: 304
'Whenever I think of coming to punish my father, it's always in a strong wind, and that's blowing now as I drive up the long, unsealed track to the house and sheds.'
So begins one of Owen Marshall's superbly subversive stories. He offers up a wide range of subjects, from untimely deaths to unusual discoveries made about friends or neighbours, from burnishing an overseas trip to a tale about saving a business venture-
'Just in time,' said Paddy. 'I thought I was going to have to resort to giving blow jobs in the office.' It wasn't quite as Jane A would have expressed relief, perhaps, but sincere in its own way . . .
With over ten years since his last collection of new stories, Marshall explores his fellow New Zealanders, bringing his wisdom and wry eye to vivid, insightful scenes-
'Places bring back people, people bring back places, and both conjure the cinema of your past.'
Immersive and insightful, 'Return to Harikoa Bay' reveals the power of memory and the personal journeys we undertake. With engaging anecdotes and vivid scenes, Marshall's voice resonates with both humor and wisdom, inviting readers to ponder their own connections to home and belonging. This collection is perfect for any lover of contemporary New Zealand literature, looking to explore the depths of human emotion and the interplay between our histories and identities.
Order now and experience the profound storytelling that will leave you reflecting long after the last page turns!
Delivery Information: All orders are processed and dispatched promptly. Enjoy fast shipping to your doorstep—experience seamless shopping with Smartfox NZ.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143776536
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2022
Pages: 304
'Whenever I think of coming to punish my father, it's always in a strong wind, and that's blowing now as I drive up the long, unsealed track to the house and sheds.'
So begins one of Owen Marshall's superbly subversive stories. He offers up a wide range of subjects, from untimely deaths to unusual discoveries made about friends or neighbours, from burnishing an overseas trip to a tale about saving a business venture-
'Just in time,' said Paddy. 'I thought I was going to have to resort to giving blow jobs in the office.' It wasn't quite as Jane A would have expressed relief, perhaps, but sincere in its own way . . .
With over ten years since his last collection of new stories, Marshall explores his fellow New Zealanders, bringing his wisdom and wry eye to vivid, insightful scenes-
'Places bring back people, people bring back places, and both conjure the cinema of your past.'