Discover the enchanting story of Red Dog: True Blue, a heartwarming tale that explores the bond between a young boy and his loyal dog against the stunning backdrop of the Australian outback. This beautifully written prequel to the bestselling Red Dog captures the essence of adventure and companionship. In this captivating narrative, young Mick faces the challenges of life on a rugged cattle station after being sent to live with his grandfather due to a family tragedy. The vast, unforgiving nature surrounding him and the hard work it requires can seem daunting, but everything changes when he rescues a lost, muddy puppy from the floodwaters after a cyclone. Their immediate connection sparks a series of thrilling adventures that are bound to resonate with readers of all ages. This paperback edition, published by Random House Australia in 2016, features 144 pages filled with captivating storytelling and stunning imagery that brings the Australian outback to life. Whether you're a longtime fan of the series or discovering it for the first time, Red Dog: True Blue will surely tug at your heartstrings. Dive into this delightful tale of friendship, resilience, and growing up with Red Dog: True Blue today and share the joy of this beloved story with those you cherish. Perfect for young readers and dog lovers alike, order now for fast delivery and enjoy the adventure together!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143780083
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2016
Pages: 144
A charming story of a young boy and his dog adventuring through the outback. Prequel to the bestselling Red Dog.
A charming story of a young boy and his dog adventuring through the outback. Prequel to the bestselling Red Dog.
When a family tragedy means Mick is sent to the outback to live with his Granpa, it looks as if he has a lonely life ahead of him. The cattle station is a tough place for a child, where nature is brutal and the men must work hard in the heat and dust. However, after a cyclone hits, things change for Mick. Exploring the flood waters, he finds a lost puppy covered in mud and half-drowned. Mick and his dog immediately become inseparable as they take on the adventures offered by their unusual home, and the business of growing up, together.
In this charming prequel to the much-loved Red Dog, Louis de Berni res tells the moving story of a young boy and his Granpa, and the charismatic and entertaining dog whom so many readers hold close to their hearts.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143780083
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2016
Pages: 144
A charming story of a young boy and his dog adventuring through the outback. Prequel to the bestselling Red Dog.
A charming story of a young boy and his dog adventuring through the outback. Prequel to the bestselling Red Dog.
When a family tragedy means Mick is sent to the outback to live with his Granpa, it looks as if he has a lonely life ahead of him. The cattle station is a tough place for a child, where nature is brutal and the men must work hard in the heat and dust. However, after a cyclone hits, things change for Mick. Exploring the flood waters, he finds a lost puppy covered in mud and half-drowned. Mick and his dog immediately become inseparable as they take on the adventures offered by their unusual home, and the business of growing up, together.
In this charming prequel to the much-loved Red Dog, Louis de Berni res tells the moving story of a young boy and his Granpa, and the charismatic and entertaining dog whom so many readers hold close to their hearts.