Discover the enchanting true story of Red Dog, the beloved Red Kelpie from Western Australia, in this captivating film tie-in edition. This 'B-format paperback' is perfect for animal lovers, adventurers, and anyone who enjoys a heartwarming tale. With an ISBN of 9781742752259, this beautifully crafted book contains 128 pages filled with the legendary journey of Red Dog, who famously traveled thousands of miles, hopping from town to town, and forming unforgettable bonds with people along the way. 'Red Dog' is not just a story; it's a celebration of loyalty, love, and the extraordinary bond between dogs and humans. This amazing narrative, penned by Louis de Bernieres, explores the adventures of Red Dog as he becomes part of numerous families across Western Australia, leaving paw prints on the hearts of everyone he meets. Ideal for readers of all ages, this book captures the essence of adventure while showcasing the unique spirit of Australia's West. Whether you’re revisiting the adventure or discovering it for the first time, 'Red Dog' will inspire and touch your heart. Get your copy of this brand new edition published by Random House Australia and join Red Dog on his journey that continues to delight readers and dog lovers everywhere. Delivery information: This product is available for prompt shipping, ensuring you receive your book swiftly to jump into Red Dog’s incredible journey.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781742752259
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2011
Pages: 128
Red Dog is a West Australian, a lovable friendly red kelpie who found widespread fame as a result of his habit of travelling all over Western Australia, hitching rides over thousands of miles, settling in places for months at a time and adopting new families before heading off again to the next destination and another family - sometimes returning to say hello years later. While visiting Australia, Louis de Bernieres heard the legend of Red Dog and decided to do some research on this extraordinary story. After travelling to Western Australia and meeting countless people who'd known and loved Red Dog, Louis decided to spread Red Dog's fame a little further. The result is an utterly charming tale of an amazing dog with places to go and people to see. RED DOG will delight readers and animal lovers of all ages.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781742752259
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2011
Pages: 128
Red Dog is a West Australian, a lovable friendly red kelpie who found widespread fame as a result of his habit of travelling all over Western Australia, hitching rides over thousands of miles, settling in places for months at a time and adopting new families before heading off again to the next destination and another family - sometimes returning to say hello years later. While visiting Australia, Louis de Bernieres heard the legend of Red Dog and decided to do some research on this extraordinary story. After travelling to Western Australia and meeting countless people who'd known and loved Red Dog, Louis decided to spread Red Dog's fame a little further. The result is an utterly charming tale of an amazing dog with places to go and people to see. RED DOG will delight readers and animal lovers of all ages.