Discover the enchanting story of Rapunzel in the captivating 'Flip-Up Fairy Tales' series from Child's Play International. This beautifully illustrated children's book, published in 2009 and created by talented illustrator Simona Sanfilippo, brings the classic tale of Rapunzel to life with its delightful art and interactive flip-up flaps. These flaps not only engage young readers but also stimulate their imagination, encouraging prediction and discussion as they explore the story. This magical adventure is perfect for kids who are just beginning to read and those who love fairy tales. Explore the themes of bravery, freedom, and the transformative power of love through this timeless narrative that resonates with children and parents alike. Each turn of the page reveals a new surprise, making storytime not just enjoyable, but also interactive! Ideal for family reading sessions or as a thoughtful gift for birthdays and special occasions. The 'Rapunzel (Flip-Up Fairy Tales)' book is an educational tool that promotes literacy and fosters a love for reading in young minds. Enhance your child's reading experience with this engaging and visually stunning tale. Order now and embark on a magical journey with Rapunzel today! Fast shipping available, ensuring that your delightful new addition to your child's library arrives quickly and safely.
Title: Rapunzel (Flip-Up Fairy Tales)
Publisher: Child's Play International
Publication Date: 2009
Illustrator: Sanfilippo, Simona
Step into the magical world of Child's Play fairy tales...Traditional tales are a well-established part of all cultures. Retold from the originals, these lively stories will captivate readers with their delightful illustrations and fun lift-up flaps which really add to the action. The 'flip-up' flaps encourage prediction and discussion, and well-known stories will give young readers confidence.
"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.
Title: Rapunzel (Flip-Up Fairy Tales)
Publisher: Child's Play International
Publication Date: 2009
Illustrator: Sanfilippo, Simona
Step into the magical world of Child's Play fairy tales...Traditional tales are a well-established part of all cultures. Retold from the originals, these lively stories will captivate readers with their delightful illustrations and fun lift-up flaps which really add to the action. The 'flip-up' flaps encourage prediction and discussion, and well-known stories will give young readers confidence.
"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.