Discover the enchanting tale of Rapunzel, a beloved classic from Child’s Play International Limited, designed to captivate young imaginations. This brand new softcover edition, published in 2009, brings the magical world of fairy tales to life with its delightful illustrations and engaging lift-up flaps. Each page invites children to interact with the story, enhancing their reading experience through prediction and discussion. Perfect for storytime, this retelling of the original Rapunzel tale not only entertains but also boosts confidence in young readers. The charming artwork paired with the well-known narrative makes this a must-have addition to any children's book collection. Ideal for parents, educators, and anyone seeking to share the joy of reading, this fairy tale is perfect for developing literacy skills in children. Bring home the magic of fairy tales today with this enchanting edition of Rapunzel, where every flap reveals a new surprise! Enjoy fast and reliable delivery right to your doorstep with our efficient shipping options, ensuring you receive your treasured storybook promptly.
Title: Rapunzel
Publisher: Child's Play International Limited
Publication Date: 2009
Binding: Soft cover
Step into the magical world of Child's Play fairy tales... Traditional tales are a well-established part of all cultures. Retold from the originals, these lively stories will captivate readers with their delightful illustrations and fun lift-up flaps which really add to the action. The 'flip-up' flaps encourage prediction and discussion, and well-known stories will give young readers confidence.
Title: Rapunzel
Publisher: Child's Play International Limited
Publication Date: 2009
Binding: Soft cover
Step into the magical world of Child's Play fairy tales... Traditional tales are a well-established part of all cultures. Retold from the originals, these lively stories will captivate readers with their delightful illustrations and fun lift-up flaps which really add to the action. The 'flip-up' flaps encourage prediction and discussion, and well-known stories will give young readers confidence.