Discover the captivating world of 'Radio Free Vermont,' a novel by Bill McKibben that artfully blends humor with thought-provoking themes. Set against the scenic backdrop of Vermont, this compelling trade paperback explores the life of Vern Barclay, a 72-year-old radio host broadcasting from a secret location as he champions the radical notion of Vermont's independence. Accompanied by a bright young computer prodigy, Perry Alterson, Vern's adventures unfold as he navigates the complexities of advocating for a free local economy amidst the challenges of being a fugitive. With 240 pages of engaging storytelling, this 2018 release from Penguin Group USA delves into the heart of grassroots activism, shining a spotlight on the creative ways people can challenge the status quo. Join Vern and his quirky band of supporters as they execute their planned acts of civil disobedience, including the whimsical hijacking of a Coors Light truck. Perfect for fans of contemporary political fiction and those interested in the themes of independence and community, 'Radio Free Vermont' is not only entertaining but also remarkably relevant in today’s climate of social change. Don't miss your chance to own this brand-new copy with ISBN 9781524743727 and immerse yourself in a world where local voices resonate powerfully against the backdrop of national discourse. Order today and enjoy prompt delivery right to your doorstep.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781524743727
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2018
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
Pages: 240
As the host of Radio Free Vermont--"underground, underpowered, and underfoot"--seventy-two-year-old Vern Barclay is currently broadcasting from an "undisclosed and double-secret location." With the help of a young computer prodigy named Perry Alterson, Vern uses his radio show to advocate for a simple yet radical idea- an independent Vermont, one where the state secedes from the United States and operates under a free local economy. But for now, he and his radio show must remain untraceable, because in addition to being a lifelong Vermonter and concerned citizen, Vern Barclay is also a fugitive from the law.
In Radio Free Vermont, Bill McKibben entertains and expands upon an idea that's become more popular than ever--seceding from the United States. Along with Vern and Perry, McKibben imagines an eccentric group of activists who carry out their own version of guerilla warfare, which includes dismissing local middle school children early in honor of 'Ethan Allen Day' and hijacking a Coors Light truck and replacing the stock with local brew. Witty, biting, and terrifyingly timely, Radio Free Vermont is Bill McKibben's fictional response to the burgeoning resistance movement.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781524743727
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2018
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
Pages: 240
As the host of Radio Free Vermont--"underground, underpowered, and underfoot"--seventy-two-year-old Vern Barclay is currently broadcasting from an "undisclosed and double-secret location." With the help of a young computer prodigy named Perry Alterson, Vern uses his radio show to advocate for a simple yet radical idea- an independent Vermont, one where the state secedes from the United States and operates under a free local economy. But for now, he and his radio show must remain untraceable, because in addition to being a lifelong Vermonter and concerned citizen, Vern Barclay is also a fugitive from the law.
In Radio Free Vermont, Bill McKibben entertains and expands upon an idea that's become more popular than ever--seceding from the United States. Along with Vern and Perry, McKibben imagines an eccentric group of activists who carry out their own version of guerilla warfare, which includes dismissing local middle school children early in honor of 'Ethan Allen Day' and hijacking a Coors Light truck and replacing the stock with local brew. Witty, biting, and terrifyingly timely, Radio Free Vermont is Bill McKibben's fictional response to the burgeoning resistance movement.