Dive into the adventurous world of Puffin Nibbles: The Littlest Pirate! This delightful tale follows Nicholas Nosh, the smallest pirate in all the seven seas, who yearns for adventure despite being grounded at home. The story captures the essence of childhood dreams and the longing for exploration while engaging young readers' imaginations. Perfect for early readers, this B-format paperback edition (ISBN: 9780141313382) published by Penguin Australia Pty Ltd in 2019 offers 80 pages of vivid storytelling and charming illustrations. Its fresh new look continues the beloved tradition of the Aussie Nibbles series, reintroduced as Puffin Nibbles for today's readers. As you follow Nicholas's tale of rebellion and hope, it's ideal for parents looking to foster a love of reading in their children or teachers seeking engaging classroom materials. Add this enchanting book to your collection and let the littlest pirate inspire limitless adventures! Fast shipping options are available, ensuring that this captivating story reaches your hands quickly. Order now and embark on a reading voyage with Nicholas Nosh!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141313382
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2019
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 80
They're back! A selection of your favourite titles from the bestselling Aussie Nibbles series, returning by popular demand with a fresh new look as Puffin Nibbles.
Nicholas Nosh is the littlest pirate in the world. H's not allowed to go to sea, and he's bored. Very bored.
'I'll show them', he says.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141313382
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2019
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 80
They're back! A selection of your favourite titles from the bestselling Aussie Nibbles series, returning by popular demand with a fresh new look as Puffin Nibbles.
Nicholas Nosh is the littlest pirate in the world. H's not allowed to go to sea, and he's bored. Very bored.
'I'll show them', he says.