Discover the haunting beauty of "Prayers for the Stolen" by Jennifer Clement, a poignant narrative set in the perilous environment of rural Mexico. This gripping B-format paperback, published by Random House UK in 2015, tells the story of Ladydi, a girl navigating the treacherous realities of life under the constant threat of drug cartels. With 240 pages of emotional intensity, this book delves into themes of vulnerability, resilience, and the stark choices girls face in a society overshadowed by violence. As Ladydi and her friends execute their desperate measures to escape the watchful eyes of the Narcos, the haunting question lingers: how can one dream of a better life when the dangers are so close at hand? This bestseller not only provides a captivating narrative but also sheds light on issues of feminism and the harsh challenges of life in Mexico's drug-affected regions. Ideal for readers interested in contemporary issues, women’s rights, and gripping survival stories, this powerful tale is a must-read. Order now to explore Ladydi’s journey and understand why "Prayers for the Stolen" resonates with many. Fast shipping available, and all orders are guaranteed to be BRAND NEW.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780099587590
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2015
Pages: 240
It was Paula's mother who had the brilliant idea of digging the holes. My mother said that the State of Guerrero was turning into a rabbit warren with young girls hiding all over the place...
'Now we make you ugly,' my mother said. 'The best thing you can be in Mexico is an ugly girl.'
On the mountainside in rural Mexico where Ladydi lives, being a girl is dangerous. Especially a pretty one. If the Narcos hear there is a pretty girl on the mountain, they steal her. So when the black SUVs roll into town, Ladydi and her friends hide in the warren of holes scattered across the mountain, safely out of sight. Because the stolen girls don't come back.
Ladydi is determined to get out, to find a life that offers more than just the struggle to survive. But she soon finds that the drug cartels have eyes everywhere, and the cities are no safer than the mountains.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780099587590
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2015
Pages: 240
It was Paula's mother who had the brilliant idea of digging the holes. My mother said that the State of Guerrero was turning into a rabbit warren with young girls hiding all over the place...
'Now we make you ugly,' my mother said. 'The best thing you can be in Mexico is an ugly girl.'
On the mountainside in rural Mexico where Ladydi lives, being a girl is dangerous. Especially a pretty one. If the Narcos hear there is a pretty girl on the mountain, they steal her. So when the black SUVs roll into town, Ladydi and her friends hide in the warren of holes scattered across the mountain, safely out of sight. Because the stolen girls don't come back.
Ladydi is determined to get out, to find a life that offers more than just the struggle to survive. But she soon finds that the drug cartels have eyes everywhere, and the cities are no safer than the mountains.