Discover the heartwarming journey of Poppy Abbott in this captivating novel that explores love, loss, and the quest for self-discovery. After the death of her beloved grandmother, Poppy finds herself grappling with grief while living a seemingly perfect life in a stunning Sydney apartment. In a moment of nostalgia, Poppy stumbles upon an old leather diary belonging to her grandmother, Maggie Abbott. As she immerses herself in Maggie's poignant tales of love and fear for her soldier boyfriend during the First World War, Poppy embarks on a transformative journey.
Join Poppy as she leaves behind the city’s fast-paced lifestyle to uncover the beauty and depth of life in the peaceful countryside. In her grandmother’s home, she begins to reassess her values and the true meaning of happiness. This enchanting narrative invites readers to reflect on what truly matters in life while discovering the power of love and familial bonds.
Perfect for fans of poignant women's fiction and narratives centered on personal growth, this book invites you to journey alongside Poppy as she navigates through her past and present. Delve into themes of nostalgia, resilience, and the rediscovery of one’s dreams. With 328 pages filled with rich storytelling, this is a must-read for anyone seeking an inspiring tale.
Order now and start your own adventure of reflection and renewal! Fast delivery options available to ensure you get your book promptly.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760111335
Year: 2014
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Pages: 328
Poppy Abbott seems to have it all. Bright, successful and attractive, she lives in a beautiful apartment with sweeping views of Sydney. However, since the recent death of her beloved grandmother, she's been struggling to come to terms with her grief.
Feeling nostalgic one evening, Poppy decides to sort through her grandmother's belongings, which she hasn't been able to face before. She's hardly started when she comes across an old leather diary with the name 'Maggie Abbott' written in the front. It's not long before she's drawn into Maggie's life and her fears for her soldier boyfriend during the First World War.
As her interest in Maggie's diary intensifies, Poppy decides to spend some time at her grandmother's house in the country. Away from the city, Poppy begins to wonder if all the things she's always valued so much are what she really wants out of life. And then love intervenes.
From the bestselling author of Bridie's Choice, this is the story of a woman leaving a fast-paced existence in the city for a calmer, more meaningful life in the country, where she finds herself re-evaluating just about everything.
Join Poppy as she leaves behind the city’s fast-paced lifestyle to uncover the beauty and depth of life in the peaceful countryside. In her grandmother’s home, she begins to reassess her values and the true meaning of happiness. This enchanting narrative invites readers to reflect on what truly matters in life while discovering the power of love and familial bonds.
Perfect for fans of poignant women's fiction and narratives centered on personal growth, this book invites you to journey alongside Poppy as she navigates through her past and present. Delve into themes of nostalgia, resilience, and the rediscovery of one’s dreams. With 328 pages filled with rich storytelling, this is a must-read for anyone seeking an inspiring tale.
Order now and start your own adventure of reflection and renewal! Fast delivery options available to ensure you get your book promptly.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760111335
Year: 2014
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Pages: 328
Poppy Abbott seems to have it all. Bright, successful and attractive, she lives in a beautiful apartment with sweeping views of Sydney. However, since the recent death of her beloved grandmother, she's been struggling to come to terms with her grief.
Feeling nostalgic one evening, Poppy decides to sort through her grandmother's belongings, which she hasn't been able to face before. She's hardly started when she comes across an old leather diary with the name 'Maggie Abbott' written in the front. It's not long before she's drawn into Maggie's life and her fears for her soldier boyfriend during the First World War.
As her interest in Maggie's diary intensifies, Poppy decides to spend some time at her grandmother's house in the country. Away from the city, Poppy begins to wonder if all the things she's always valued so much are what she really wants out of life. And then love intervenes.
From the bestselling author of Bridie's Choice, this is the story of a woman leaving a fast-paced existence in the city for a calmer, more meaningful life in the country, where she finds herself re-evaluating just about everything.