Polynesia 900 - 1600: An overview of the history of Aotearoa, Rekohu, and Rapa N

SKU: PR84972

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Discover the rich history of South Polynesia from 900 to 1600 with 'Polynesia 900 - 1600: An Overview of the History of Aotearoa, Rekohu, and Rapa Nui'. This engaging book, authored by Madi Williams, is ideal for those interested in Aotearoa New Zealand's history, the Chatham Islands, and the mysterious Rapa Nui. Condition is brand new, and the paperback edition features 94 insightful pages packed with thematic explorations of migration, adaptation, and cultural evolution. Published by Canterbury University Press on August 1, 2021, this historical overview is written from a unique perspective that values Indigenous voices and oral traditions alongside archaeological findings. Madi Williams, a noted lecturer at the University of Canterbury and a recipient of the 2021 Judith Binney Writing Award, combines her extensive research to offer a fresh view of the Middle Ages as understood through Polynesian history. This product is perfect for students, scholars, and anyone eager to delve into the interconnected histories of Aotearoa, Rekohu, and Rapa Nui. The dimensions of this book are 148 x 210 mm, making it a convenient addition to any library. Order now and explore the fascinating narratives of migration and history in the South Pacific. Fast shipping options are available to ensure you receive your copy promptly.

Polynesia 900 - 1600: An overview of the history of Aotearoa, Rekohu, and Rapa Nui
Dimensions: 148 x 210 mm
Pages: 94
Bind: paperback
Author: Madi Williams Publisher: Canterbury University Press
Publication Date: 01-08-2021

This book provides a concise introduction to the history of South Polynesia during the period typically defined as the ‘Middle Ages’ by western historians, focusing on Aotearoa New Zealand, R?kohu (Chatham Islands), and Rapa Nui (Easter Island). Written in response to a wider global approach to medieval history, it offers a fresh perspective on the history of the region during that period. The comparative study of the southern Polynesian islands and Rapa Nui provides a thematic examination in order to avoid forcing the region’s history into a linear Western chronology. Themes of movement and migration, adaptation and change, and development and expansion offer an optimal means of understanding Polynesia during this period, in an account that incorporates oral traditions, historical analysis and archaeology. Drawing together a wide range of research from past and present scholars the book provides an accessible introduction both for students and for the general reader interested in the long history of these islands. Madi Williams (Ng?ti Kuia, Ng?ti Koata, Ng?ti Apa ki te R? T?, Rangit?ne o Wairau) is a lecturer at the University of Canterbury where she researches the boundaries of history and the inclusion of Indigenous and non-Western perspectives in Aotearoa New Zealand and South Pacific histories. Madi is the recipient of a 2021 Judith Binney Writing Award, which will help her prepare a book based on her PhD thesis on the histories of Ng?ti Kuia.

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