Embark on a whimsical adventure with 'Pippi Longstocking Goes Aboard', a delightful storybook that brings the beloved character Pippi to life in her 75th anniversary celebration. This high-quality, illustrated gift edition by Lauren Child showcases the vibrant tale of Pippi, the strongest girl in the world, who lives in the charming Villa Villekulla with her horse and monkey, and boasts a suitcase brimming with gold coins. This enchanting book is perfect for children ages 7 to 12 and serves as an excellent addition to any child's bookshelf. Follow Pippi and her friends Tommy and Annika as they indulge in exciting escapades, from visiting the fair and devouring sweets to getting shipwrecked on a thrilling weekend. 'Pippi Longstocking Goes Aboard' is not just a story; it's an experience that ignites imagination and encourages young readers to dream big. Packed with valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and adventure, this stunning edition makes a wonderful gift for birthdays, holidays, and any special occasion. Don't miss the chance to inspire a new generation of readers with this classic tale. With FREE shipping from our Auckland warehouse, you can expect your copy to arrive in just 15 days—without any unexpected import charges or fees. Grab your copy of 'Pippi Longstocking Goes Aboard' today and dive into the magical world of Pippi Longstocking!
NOTE: Shipping for this item is FREE, please allow 15 days for shipping. As its shipped from our Auckland warehouse there is no unexpected import charges, custom duties or taxes.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780192775078
Year: 2020
Publisher: Oxford University Press UK
Pages: 208
This flagship gift edition illustrated by Lauren Child is a glorious celebratory tribute to the strongest girl in the world in her 75th anniversary year. Pippi Longstocking lives in Villa Villekulla with a horse, a monkey, and a big suitcase full of gold coins. Pippi and her friends Tommy and Annika have the best time together-going to the fair, buying ALL the sweets in the sweet shop, and getting shipwrecked for the weekend. But the fun might stop all too soon if Pippi agrees to go back to sea with her father.
NOTE: Shipping for this item is FREE, please allow 15 days for shipping. As its shipped from our Auckland warehouse there is no unexpected import charges, custom duties or taxes.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780192775078
Year: 2020
Publisher: Oxford University Press UK
Pages: 208
This flagship gift edition illustrated by Lauren Child is a glorious celebratory tribute to the strongest girl in the world in her 75th anniversary year. Pippi Longstocking lives in Villa Villekulla with a horse, a monkey, and a big suitcase full of gold coins. Pippi and her friends Tommy and Annika have the best time together-going to the fair, buying ALL the sweets in the sweet shop, and getting shipwrecked for the weekend. But the fun might stop all too soon if Pippi agrees to go back to sea with her father.