Discover the enchanting world of **Pinocchio** with this beautifully illustrated edition of the beloved children's classic. Translated by the talented Mary Alice Murray, this **1998 paperback** release captures the timeless tale of the mischievous wooden puppet who dreams of becoming a real boy. Carved by the kind-hearted old man Gepetto, **Pinocchio** is a character filled with curiosity and a penchant for trouble, embarking on thrilling adventures that resonate with children and parents alike. From joining a colorful puppet show to his unlikely escapades with a crafty fox and a sly cat, this captivating story showcases important life lessons about honesty, friendship, and the consequences of one's actions. Each turn of the page draws young readers into a magical journey, reminding them that every lie will have its price as Pinocchio’s famous growing nose serves as a poignant symbol of truthfulness. This edition of **Pinocchio** is an ideal gift for children, making it a perfect addition to any young reader's bookshelf. Share in the joy of reading with your child and explore themes of good behavior, obedience, and the importance of caring for others. Don't miss the chance to instill these timeless values through this classic tale. Order now and watch your child's imagination soar as they immerse themselves in Pinocchio’s charming world. **Delivery information:** Rest assured, all orders are shipped promptly for your convenience.
Title: Pinocchio (Children's Classics)
Publisher: - -
Publication Date: 1998
Binding: Paperback
Translated by Mary Alice Murray.
The story of the walking and talking puppet Pinocchio is one of the best-loved children's tales of all time.
Carved by old Gepetto, Pinocchio has an enormous nose which grows even longer whenever he tells a lie. Pinocchio is such a scamp that he gets into all sorts of mischief. He runs away to join a puppet show, he teams up with a rascally fox and wily cat, and plays truant from school which has dreadful consequences. Eventually the conscience of a talking cricket and Pinocchio's guardian fairy restore him to good behaviour, obedience and care for others.
Title: Pinocchio (Children's Classics)
Publisher: - -
Publication Date: 1998
Binding: Paperback
Translated by Mary Alice Murray.
The story of the walking and talking puppet Pinocchio is one of the best-loved children's tales of all time.
Carved by old Gepetto, Pinocchio has an enormous nose which grows even longer whenever he tells a lie. Pinocchio is such a scamp that he gets into all sorts of mischief. He runs away to join a puppet show, he teams up with a rascally fox and wily cat, and plays truant from school which has dreadful consequences. Eventually the conscience of a talking cricket and Pinocchio's guardian fairy restore him to good behaviour, obedience and care for others.