Discover the enchanting world of 'Picasso and the Greatest Show on Earth', a captivating children's novel that beautifully blends artistry and emotion. This heartwarming story follows Frances, a young girl navigating a new life in an unfamiliar neighborhood and school, while carrying the weight of a sorrowful secret. As she draws intricate pictures of bacteria, the presence of her charming puppy, Picasso, offers her solace amidst her struggles. But when Frances meets Kit, a quiet boy with an artist's soul and two-colored eyes, her world begins to shift. Together, they explore the delicate threads of their pasts, seeking to find joy in the ordinary and reclaim the vibrant colors of their lives. This touching tale emphasizes the power of creativity, friendship, and self-discovery, making it a must-read for young book lovers. Celebrate the spectacular within the mundane with this beautifully crafted novel from the award-winning author of 'Borrowed Light'. Perfect for readers seeking stories about overcoming challenges and the magic of art, 'Picasso and the Greatest Show on Earth' will resonate with anyone who cherishes deep emotional connections and the wonders of everyday life. With superb reviews, this book is a perfect gift for your little one or a treasured addition to any child's bookshelf. Unlock the magic of art and friendship today!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760296988
Year: 2023
Publisher: A&U Children's
Frances is in a new house in a new neighbourhood and going to a new school, but no amount of new can make her forget the old, sad secret dragging at her heart. Not the pictures of bacteria that she draws with painstaking precision, not even Picasso, the puppy with the long soft ears and the cute black circle like a target on his bottom. Then Frances meets Kit, the tall, quiet boy with the two-coloured eyes. Kit is a real artist. His coloured pencils fill page after page of exercise books. He sees wonder in the rocks and ferns and sky. Though Kit has worries of his own.
But when secrets are spilled, Frances's life turns grey and drab. Not even Picasso's wet nose can brighten her up. Frances and Kit will need to face the truth of their pasts to find colour in their world again. After all, don't the most brilliant sunsets need a cloudy sky?
A beautiful novel about finding the remarkable in the ordinary and celebrating the wonder of every day, from the award-winning author of Borrowed Light.
'Marvellous, mind-opening, and deeply moving. The best book yet from this irresistible author.' Morris Gleitzman
'A beautifully written novel that encompasses such big things ... Frances, Kit and Picasso will stay with me for quite a while.' Karen Foxlee
'I loved this book with my whole heart. It's truly beautiful. And a gift to readers, young and old.' Maryam Master
'Push this into the hands of anyone who loved Storm Boy or Lenny's Book of Everything.' Books+Publishing
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760296988
Year: 2023
Publisher: A&U Children's
Frances is in a new house in a new neighbourhood and going to a new school, but no amount of new can make her forget the old, sad secret dragging at her heart. Not the pictures of bacteria that she draws with painstaking precision, not even Picasso, the puppy with the long soft ears and the cute black circle like a target on his bottom. Then Frances meets Kit, the tall, quiet boy with the two-coloured eyes. Kit is a real artist. His coloured pencils fill page after page of exercise books. He sees wonder in the rocks and ferns and sky. Though Kit has worries of his own.
But when secrets are spilled, Frances's life turns grey and drab. Not even Picasso's wet nose can brighten her up. Frances and Kit will need to face the truth of their pasts to find colour in their world again. After all, don't the most brilliant sunsets need a cloudy sky?
A beautiful novel about finding the remarkable in the ordinary and celebrating the wonder of every day, from the award-winning author of Borrowed Light.
'Marvellous, mind-opening, and deeply moving. The best book yet from this irresistible author.' Morris Gleitzman
'A beautifully written novel that encompasses such big things ... Frances, Kit and Picasso will stay with me for quite a while.' Karen Foxlee
'I loved this book with my whole heart. It's truly beautiful. And a gift to readers, young and old.' Maryam Master
'Push this into the hands of anyone who loved Storm Boy or Lenny's Book of Everything.' Books+Publishing