Discover the enchanting world of Peppa Pig in 'Where's Peppa's Magical Unicorn?' This delightful picture book, perfect for preschoolers, features Peppa and her beloved Daddy Pig on a whimsical quest to find her missing magical unicorn. With an ISBN of 9780241412046, this vibrant 10-page adventure is published by Penguin UK and was released in 2020.
Little readers will be captivated as they join Peppa on her search, uncovering fun surprises behind each lift-the-flap page. Is the unicorn hiding at the sandy beach, behind a glittery castle, or perhaps at the end of a dazzling rainbow? This interactive storytelling experience enhances imaginative play and fosters early literacy skills for budding young readers.
Glistening with a shiny, glittery cover, 'Where's Peppa's Magical Unicorn?' makes an ideal gift for young unicorn enthusiasts and Peppa Pig fans alike. Perfect for bedtime stories or engaging reading sessions, this book promises to spark joy and curiosity.
Whether it's a special birthday present or just a treat for your child, this adventurous journey with Peppa and Daddy Pig will create unforgettable memories. Get ready to lift the flaps and reveal the magical unicorn in this charming storybook that is sure to be a hit with little ones.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241412046
Format: Picture book
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 10
Can Daddy Pig and Peppa find Peppa's magical unicorn?
Peppa wants to play with her magical unicorn but she can't find her anywhere! Is she hiding at the castle, the beach, or the end of the rainbow?
Join Peppa and Daddy Pig's adventure and lift the flaps to find out!
With a very glittery cover, it's the perfect gift for little readers and unicorn fans.
Peppa loves her magical unicorn. Everyone loves Peppa's magical unicorn!
Little readers will be captivated as they join Peppa on her search, uncovering fun surprises behind each lift-the-flap page. Is the unicorn hiding at the sandy beach, behind a glittery castle, or perhaps at the end of a dazzling rainbow? This interactive storytelling experience enhances imaginative play and fosters early literacy skills for budding young readers.
Glistening with a shiny, glittery cover, 'Where's Peppa's Magical Unicorn?' makes an ideal gift for young unicorn enthusiasts and Peppa Pig fans alike. Perfect for bedtime stories or engaging reading sessions, this book promises to spark joy and curiosity.
Whether it's a special birthday present or just a treat for your child, this adventurous journey with Peppa and Daddy Pig will create unforgettable memories. Get ready to lift the flaps and reveal the magical unicorn in this charming storybook that is sure to be a hit with little ones.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241412046
Format: Picture book
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 10
Can Daddy Pig and Peppa find Peppa's magical unicorn?
Peppa wants to play with her magical unicorn but she can't find her anywhere! Is she hiding at the castle, the beach, or the end of the rainbow?
Join Peppa and Daddy Pig's adventure and lift the flaps to find out!
With a very glittery cover, it's the perfect gift for little readers and unicorn fans.
Peppa loves her magical unicorn. Everyone loves Peppa's magical unicorn!