Embark on a captivating literary journey with 'Peaces,' a BRAND NEW novel by renowned author Helen Oyeyemi. Published in 2022 by Faber, this beautifully crafted narrative unfolds the mystical adventure of Otto and Xavier Shin, a couple whose enigmatic train journey defies expectations. As they travel through a series of extraordinary carriages, each brimming with curiosity and intrigue, they encounter Ava Kapoor, the train's sole full-time inhabitant. Readers are left to ponder her connection to the shadowy figure of Prem. Are they mere passengers or trapped in a deeper mystery? Through thought-provoking themes and gorgeous prose, 'Peaces' weaves a brilliant tale that explores the essence of connection, memories, and the labyrinth of the past. This novel is a must-read for those who appreciate strange, beautiful stories that challenge the boundaries of reality. Discover the allure of 'Peaces' today and unravel the intricacies within its pages. Order now for fast shipping, with delivery information confirming your order will be dispatched promptly, ensuring you will not have to wait long to dive into this mesmerizing literary world.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780571366590
Year: 2022
Publisher: Faber
Peaces is the story of Otto and Xavier Shin, a couple who embark on a mysterious train journey that takes them far beyond any destination they could have anticipated. As the carriages roll along they discover each is more curious and fascinating than the last, becoming embroiled in this strange train and its intrigue. Who is Ava Kapoor, the sole full-time inhabitant of the train, and what is her relationship to a man named Prem? Are they passengers or prisoners? We discover who orchestrated the journey, hurtling them all into their past for clues.
This is a brilliant, wise, strange and, above all, beautiful novel.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780571366590
Year: 2022
Publisher: Faber
Peaces is the story of Otto and Xavier Shin, a couple who embark on a mysterious train journey that takes them far beyond any destination they could have anticipated. As the carriages roll along they discover each is more curious and fascinating than the last, becoming embroiled in this strange train and its intrigue. Who is Ava Kapoor, the sole full-time inhabitant of the train, and what is her relationship to a man named Prem? Are they passengers or prisoners? We discover who orchestrated the journey, hurtling them all into their past for clues.
This is a brilliant, wise, strange and, above all, beautiful novel.