Title: Party! (Helping Hands series)
Publisher: Child's Play Intl
Publication Date: 2011
Binding: Soft cover
What theme would you like for your party? What do we need to prepare? And who's going to help? Helping with real tasks is a natural progression from pretend play, and is a crucial stage in a child's development. Achieving a shared goal encourages a sense of responsibility, and develops many skills useful in later life. Simple conversational text and lively illustrations are carefully designed to encourage further dialogue between reader and child.
Title: Party! (Helping Hands series)
Publisher: Child's Play Intl
Publication Date: 2011
Binding: Soft cover
What theme would you like for your party? What do we need to prepare? And who's going to help? Helping with real tasks is a natural progression from pretend play, and is a crucial stage in a child's development. Achieving a shared goal encourages a sense of responsibility, and develops many skills useful in later life. Simple conversational text and lively illustrations are carefully designed to encourage further dialogue between reader and child.