Discover 'Oscar and Lucinda,' a literary masterpiece by Peter Carey, acclaimed for winning the prestigious Booker Prize and the Miles Franklin Award. This compelling narrative weaves the lives of Oscar Hopkins, a hydrophobic preacher’s son questioning his faith, and Lucinda Leplastrier, a spirited heiress who dares to take risks in the world of glassmaking. Their chance meeting on a ship heading to New South Wales sets the stage for a tale rich in humor, love, and the tumult of life’s uncertainties. As both characters navigate their complex emotions and shared passion for gambling, readers are invited to delve deep into themes of faith, desire, and the unpredictable nature of chance. This B-format paperback edition, published by Penguin Australia in 2020, comprises 688 pages of engaging storytelling. Perfect for literary enthusiasts seeking contemporary Australian fiction, this book offers a profound exploration of human connection and the stakes we take for love. Get your brand new copy today, and embark on a journey that promises to challenge your perceptions and keep you captivated until the very last page. Availability is quick with our reliable delivery services, ensuring your experience is as smooth as the narrative itself.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760896515
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 688
The incomparable Oscar and Lucinda won Peter Carey his first Booker Prize, and the Miles Franklin Award.
Oscar Hopkins, the hydrophobic, noisy-kneed son of a preacher, renounces his father's stern religion in favour of the Anglican Church. Lucinda Leplastrier, a frizzy-haired heiress, impulsively buys a glass factory with the inheritance forced on her by a well-intentioned adviser. When the two finally meet, on board a ship to New South Wales, they are bound by their affinity for gambling and risk, their loneliness, and their awkwardly blossoming mutual affection. Love will prove to be their ultimate gamble.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760896515
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 688
The incomparable Oscar and Lucinda won Peter Carey his first Booker Prize, and the Miles Franklin Award.
Oscar Hopkins, the hydrophobic, noisy-kneed son of a preacher, renounces his father's stern religion in favour of the Anglican Church. Lucinda Leplastrier, a frizzy-haired heiress, impulsively buys a glass factory with the inheritance forced on her by a well-intentioned adviser. When the two finally meet, on board a ship to New South Wales, they are bound by their affinity for gambling and risk, their loneliness, and their awkwardly blossoming mutual affection. Love will prove to be their ultimate gamble.