Introducing a captivating tale of adventure and resilience, 'Nim at Sea' transports young readers to a vibrant island where 10-year-old Nim lives with her father Jack, Fred the marine iguana, and Selkie the playful sea lion. This enchanting children's book, published by A&U Children's in 2007, spans 180 pages filled with excitement and life lessons. When a sudden twist of fate sees her friend Alex Rover departing without a word and Selkie being captured by villains, Nim is faced with an extraordinary challenge. The story of 'Nim at Sea' showcases her bravery as she embarks on a daring rescue mission across the ocean to the bustling city of New York. Join Nim in her journey, as she discovers the true meaning of friendship and courage. Perfect for both boys and girls, this fabulous fantasy-adventure captures the hearts of young readers while encouraging a love for reading. Ideal for bedtime stories or classroom readings, this book is a treasure trove of imagination and adventure that will inspire kids to dream big. Dive into the magical pages of 'Nim at Sea' and experience an unforgettable adventure today. Order now, and enjoy fast shipping right to your doorstep! Our delivery options ensure that you receive 'Nim at Sea' promptly, allowing for the quickest embarkation on this thrilling journey. Don't miss out on the chance to elevate a child's bookshelf with this remarkable title, exploring themes of bravery, friendship, and adventure.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781741148619
Year: 2007
Publisher: A&U Children's
Pages: 180
Nim lives on an island in the middle of the wide blue sea with her father Jack, a marine iguana called Fred, a sea lion called Selkie, and their new friend Alex Rover. Nim is as free as a bird, and she wouldn't swap places with anyone.
But when Alex flies away in the seaplane, without saying goodbye, and Selkie is captured by villains from a cruise ship, Nim must risk everything to bring them back. Her dangerous rescue mission takes her far across the ocean, to New York City. It's a good thing she has Fred and two new friends by her side.
A fabulous fantasy-adventure for young readers from the author of Peeling the Onion, Spook's Shack, Mokie and Bik and Nim's Island.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781741148619
Year: 2007
Publisher: A&U Children's
Pages: 180
Nim lives on an island in the middle of the wide blue sea with her father Jack, a marine iguana called Fred, a sea lion called Selkie, and their new friend Alex Rover. Nim is as free as a bird, and she wouldn't swap places with anyone.
But when Alex flies away in the seaplane, without saying goodbye, and Selkie is captured by villains from a cruise ship, Nim must risk everything to bring them back. Her dangerous rescue mission takes her far across the ocean, to New York City. It's a good thing she has Fred and two new friends by her side.
A fabulous fantasy-adventure for young readers from the author of Peeling the Onion, Spook's Shack, Mokie and Bik and Nim's Island.