Discover the poignant tale woven between the vibrant streets of Havana and the rich tapestry of Cuban-American identity in this compelling novel. After the death of her beloved grandmother, Marisol Ferrera embarks on a transformative journey to Cuba, where she reconnects with her roots and uncovers hidden family secrets shaped by the Cuban revolution. This captivating narrative, named a Hello Sunshine x Reese Witherspoon Book Club Pick, will transport you to the heart of Cuba's 1958 high society through the eyes of the spirited Elisa Perez, a young woman torn between her sheltered life as a sugar baron’s daughter and a passionate revolutionary love affair. Fast forward to present-day Miami, where Marisol recalls the romantic stories her grandmother shared, yearning to fulfill Elisa's dying wish to scatter her ashes in the land of her birth. With exquisite prose, this novel explores themes of forbidden love, sacrifice, and the undeniable pull of family heritage. Experience a breathtaking dual narrative that illuminates the struggles and triumphs of a Cuban-American family, revealing how the past shapes the present. As Marisol navigates Cuba’s timeless beauty intertwined with its complex political landscape, she learns about love, identity, and the courage that lies in understanding where you come from. Add 'Next Year in Havana' to your reading list today for an unforgettable exploration of history and heritage!
**Delivery Information:**
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780399586682
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2018
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
Pages: 400
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780399586682
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2018
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
Pages: 400
After the death of her beloved grandmother, a Cuban-American woman travels to Havana, where she discovers the roots of her identity-and unearths a family secret hidden since the revolution . . .
"A beautiful novel that's full of forbidden passions, family secrets and a lot of courage and sacrifice."-Reese Witherspoon
After the death of her beloved grandmother, a Cuban-American woman travels to Havana, where she discovers the roots of her identity-and unearths a family secret hidden since the revolution...
Havana, 1958. The daughter of a sugar baron, nineteen-year-old Elisa Perez is part of Cuba's high society, where she is largely sheltered from the country's growing political unrest-until she embarks on a clandestine affair with a passionate revolutionary...
Miami, 2017. Freelance writer Marisol Ferrera grew up hearing romantic stories of Cuba from her late grandmother Elisa, who was forced to flee with her family during the revolution. Elisa's last wish was for Marisol to scatter her ashes in the country of her birth.
Arriving in Havana, Marisol comes face-to-face with the contrast of Cuba's tropical, timeless beauty and its perilous political climate. When more family history comes to light and Marisol finds herself attracted to a man with secrets of his own, she'll need the lessons of her grandmother's past to help her understand the true meaning of courage.
**Delivery Information:**
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780399586682
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2018
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
Pages: 400
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780399586682
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2018
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
Pages: 400
After the death of her beloved grandmother, a Cuban-American woman travels to Havana, where she discovers the roots of her identity-and unearths a family secret hidden since the revolution . . .
"A beautiful novel that's full of forbidden passions, family secrets and a lot of courage and sacrifice."-Reese Witherspoon
After the death of her beloved grandmother, a Cuban-American woman travels to Havana, where she discovers the roots of her identity-and unearths a family secret hidden since the revolution...
Havana, 1958. The daughter of a sugar baron, nineteen-year-old Elisa Perez is part of Cuba's high society, where she is largely sheltered from the country's growing political unrest-until she embarks on a clandestine affair with a passionate revolutionary...
Miami, 2017. Freelance writer Marisol Ferrera grew up hearing romantic stories of Cuba from her late grandmother Elisa, who was forced to flee with her family during the revolution. Elisa's last wish was for Marisol to scatter her ashes in the country of her birth.
Arriving in Havana, Marisol comes face-to-face with the contrast of Cuba's tropical, timeless beauty and its perilous political climate. When more family history comes to light and Marisol finds herself attracted to a man with secrets of his own, she'll need the lessons of her grandmother's past to help her understand the true meaning of courage.