Discover the gripping tale of 'Murder in Barcelona (Blind Detective 6)', a thrilling mystery novel that plunges readers into a world of suspense and political intrigue. Set against the backdrop of the Spanish Civil War in the summer of 1937, this captivating narrative follows Fred Rowland, whose peaceful holiday in Cornwall takes a dark turn when a film star is discovered dead under mysterious circumstances. As Fred gets embroiled in the police investigation, he is reunited with his old flame, Secret Service agent Iris Barnes. Together, they unravel a web of conspiracy and danger that leads them into the vibrant yet perilous streets of Barcelona. The murder mystery deepens as they uncover ties to Republican revolutionaries and the evolving political landscape of Europe. 'Murder in Barcelona' not only delivers a plot filled with unexpected twists but also provides a vivid portrayal of a tumultuous era. Ideal for fans of historical fiction and mystery, this novel promises to keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Don't miss out on this exciting read that perfectly blends historical context with a gripping murder investigation. Order your copy today for fast delivery. ISBN: 9780749029494, published by Faber Factory in 2023. Get ready for an unforgettable literary journey!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780749029494
Year: 2023
Publisher: Faber Factory
First published as Twist of Fate under A. C. Koning.
Summer, 1937. Fred Rowland's peaceful holiday is Cornwall is derailed when afellow hotel guest and film star is found dead.
Fred soon learns that this death took place under suspicious circumstances andfinds himself tied up in the police investigation. When his old flame, SecretService agent Iris Barnes arrives, it becomes clear that this murder has links tothe political turmoil of the Spanish Civil War.
Fred and Iris begin to follow the trail of Republican revolutionaries in Barcelona.As they pin together events, they realise that the murder may have beenconnected to the treacherous trail they embarked upon in Barcelona. As Europeinches closer towards international conflict, will Fred and Iris make it out ofSpain alive?
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780749029494
Year: 2023
Publisher: Faber Factory
First published as Twist of Fate under A. C. Koning.
Summer, 1937. Fred Rowland's peaceful holiday is Cornwall is derailed when afellow hotel guest and film star is found dead.
Fred soon learns that this death took place under suspicious circumstances andfinds himself tied up in the police investigation. When his old flame, SecretService agent Iris Barnes arrives, it becomes clear that this murder has links tothe political turmoil of the Spanish Civil War.
Fred and Iris begin to follow the trail of Republican revolutionaries in Barcelona.As they pin together events, they realise that the murder may have beenconnected to the treacherous trail they embarked upon in Barcelona. As Europeinches closer towards international conflict, will Fred and Iris make it out ofSpain alive?