Discover the enchanting world of 'Mummy Fairy and Me' — a delightful tale for children aged 5-7, penned by global bestselling author Sophie Kinsella. This charming trade paperback brings the magic of childhood to life in 176 pages filled with whimsical adventures and family fun. Join Ella Brook, a spirited girl from the quaint town of Cherrywood, as she navigates life with her extraordinary mother who transforms into a fairy at the blink of an eye! With just a magical word, 'Marshmallow', Ella’s mummy morphs into Mummy Fairy, ready to whip up scrumptious cupcakes and throw spectacular birthday parties. Fun spells and light-hearted chaos bring smiles, teaching kids about creativity, family bonds, and the joy of imagination. But beware—sometimes spells misfire! As mischief ensues, it’s up to Ella to save the day. Perfect for early readers and a wonderful addition to any child's library, this book promotes reading skills through compelling storytelling and relatable characters. The perfect gift for birthdays, holidays, or any occasion. With its charming illustrations and humor, 'Mummy Fairy and Me' promises to be a favorite among young readers. Available in brand new condition, this paperback edition is a must-have for adventurous families who cherish the magic that lies within everyday life. **Delivery Information:** Enjoy fast shipping across New Zealand and make reading fun together with your little ones!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141377889
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2018
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 176
Magic and mayhem in this sweet and funny new series for 5-7 year olds from global bestselling author Sophie Kinsella.
Hello. I'm called Ella Brook and I live in a town called Cherrywood. I have blue eyes and dark brown hair. My best friends at school are Tom and Lenka. My worst enemy is Zoe. And then there is my mummy. She looks normal, like any other mummy . . . but she's not. Because she can turn into a fairy. She just has to shut her eyes tight, say 'Marshmallow' . . . and POOF! She's Mummy Fairy.
Ella's family have a big secret . . . her mummy is a fairy! She can do amazing spells with her computawand to make delicious cupcakes, create the perfect birthday party and cause chaos at the supermarket. But sometimes the spells go a bit wrong and that's when Ella comes to the rescue!
Magic and mayhem in this sweet and funny new series for 5-7 year olds from global bestselling author Sophie Kinsella.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141377889
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2018
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 176
Magic and mayhem in this sweet and funny new series for 5-7 year olds from global bestselling author Sophie Kinsella.
Hello. I'm called Ella Brook and I live in a town called Cherrywood. I have blue eyes and dark brown hair. My best friends at school are Tom and Lenka. My worst enemy is Zoe. And then there is my mummy. She looks normal, like any other mummy . . . but she's not. Because she can turn into a fairy. She just has to shut her eyes tight, say 'Marshmallow' . . . and POOF! She's Mummy Fairy.
Ella's family have a big secret . . . her mummy is a fairy! She can do amazing spells with her computawand to make delicious cupcakes, create the perfect birthday party and cause chaos at the supermarket. But sometimes the spells go a bit wrong and that's when Ella comes to the rescue!
Magic and mayhem in this sweet and funny new series for 5-7 year olds from global bestselling author Sophie Kinsella.