Discover the enchanting novel 'Mr Vertigo', a spellbinding story of magic and self-discovery. This captivating book, published by Faber in 2006, invites you into the extraordinary life of Walt, a twelve-year-old orphan from the Mid-West. Dive into this inspiring tale as Walt embarks on a life-changing journey under the mentorship of the mesmerizing Master Yehudi. Together, they explore the powers of flight and the dazzling potential of fame. With 288 pages of imaginative storytelling, 'Mr Vertigo' combines fantasy and profound themes of loss, ambition, and the quest for identity. Perfect for fans of magical realism and character-driven narratives, this book elevates your reading experience to new heights. Whether you're searching for a unique gift or expanding your own personal library, 'Mr Vertigo' delivers both depth and delight. Enjoy fast delivery and receive your brand-new copy swiftly, ready to transport you to a world of wonder.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780571229086
Year: 2006
Publisher: Faber
Pages: 288
I was twelve years old the first time I walked on water .
So begins Mr Vertigo, the story of Walt, an irrepressible orphan from the Mid-West. Under the tutelage of the mesmerising Master Yehudi, Walt is taken back to the mysterious house on the plains to prepare not only for the ability to fly, but also for the stardom that will accompany it.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780571229086
Year: 2006
Publisher: Faber
Pages: 288
I was twelve years old the first time I walked on water .
So begins Mr Vertigo, the story of Walt, an irrepressible orphan from the Mid-West. Under the tutelage of the mesmerising Master Yehudi, Walt is taken back to the mysterious house on the plains to prepare not only for the ability to fly, but also for the stardom that will accompany it.