Discover the magical world of 'Mr Bambuckle's Remarkables on the Lookout', a captivating B-format paperback that will enthrall young readers and fans of engaging children's literature. Released in 2019 by the renowned Penguin Australia Pty Ltd, this brand new title features 240 pages of adventure and teamwork as Australia's most beloved teacher, Mr Bambuckle, returns to face what could be his greatest challenge yet. When Vex, a vital member of the classroom, goes missing, Mr Bambuckle and his class from room 12B embark on an exciting quest to find him. Young readers will be drawn into the thrilling narrative, learning the value of collaboration and friendship along the way. The search for Vex spans imaginative landscapes and heart-pounding scenarios, demonstrating that seemingly impossible tasks can be accomplished when we unite our efforts. Perfect for ages 8-12, this book not only entertains but also sparks important conversations about problem-solving and empathy. Don't miss out on this delightful read that promises to captivate the minds of youngsters while enhancing their love for reading. Order now for quick shipping and be part of the adventure with Mr Bambuckle’s incredible teaching journey! Shipping information: We offer fast delivery options to ensure that this remarkable book reaches your doorstep promptly, allowing you to dive into the adventure without delay.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143793144
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2019
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 240
Australia's favourite teacher is back - but has Mr Bambuckle met his greatest challenge yet?
Vex is gone! We have to find him.
But how? He could be anywhere.
We'll have to track him down.
That's impossible.
Not if we work together!
Mr Bambuckle and the class in room 12B are in trouble. Can they find Vex before it's too late?
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143793144
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2019
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 240
Australia's favourite teacher is back - but has Mr Bambuckle met his greatest challenge yet?
Vex is gone! We have to find him.
But how? He could be anywhere.
We'll have to track him down.
That's impossible.
Not if we work together!
Mr Bambuckle and the class in room 12B are in trouble. Can they find Vex before it's too late?