Discover the enchanting tale in 'Morgan's Law,' a compelling novel by bestselling author of North Star. Set against the picturesque backdrop of Australia, this captivating story follows Sarah Murphy, who returns from her tumultuous London lifestyle to fulfill her grandmother's heartfelt wish. With a focus on self-discovery and love, Sarah embarks on a quest to scatter her grandmother's ashes beneath the legendary Wishing Tree near the serene banks of the Negallan River. As she immerses herself in the quaint township of Negallan, Sarah finds solace and a much-needed break from her high-powered career. Here, she encounters a dashing local farmer who ignites her curiosity about a simpler life. However, her growing attachments are challenged by the powerful Morgan family, who seem intent on keeping secrets hidden. Will Sarah brave the turmoil of family history and societal pressures to uncover the truth about her grandmother? As she navigates her emotional landscape, 'Morgan's Law' explores themes of love, family legacy, and the quest for identity. Dive into this beautifully written narrative that resonates withthose searching for heartfelt stories of transformation and romance. Experience the thrill of chasing dreams while risking it all for true love. Perfect for fans of contemporary romance and inspiring journeys, this novel invites you on an unforgettable adventure. Grab your copy today and embark on Sarah's life-changing journey. Delivery information: All orders are dispatched between 1-2 business days. Standard delivery times apply.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781743314234
Year: 2013
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Pages: 328
When Sarah Murphy returns to Australia she desperately needs a break from her high-powered London life. And though mystified by her grandmother's dying wish for her ashes to be scattered under 'the wishing tree' on the banks of the Negallan River, she sets out to do just that.
While searching for the wishing tree, Sarah stays in the small township of Negallan. It's there that she finally has some time to relax and unwind, there that she finds herself drawn to a handsome local farmer, and there that she discovers her enquiries about her grandmother are causing disquiet within the powerful local Morgan family.
Will the Morgans prevent Sarah from discovering the truth about her grandmother? And should she risk her glittering career in the UK for a simpler existence in the country, and the possibility of true love?
By the bestselling author of North Star, Morgan's Law takes you on a compelling journey into a young woman's hopes and dreams.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781743314234
Year: 2013
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Pages: 328
When Sarah Murphy returns to Australia she desperately needs a break from her high-powered London life. And though mystified by her grandmother's dying wish for her ashes to be scattered under 'the wishing tree' on the banks of the Negallan River, she sets out to do just that.
While searching for the wishing tree, Sarah stays in the small township of Negallan. It's there that she finally has some time to relax and unwind, there that she finds herself drawn to a handsome local farmer, and there that she discovers her enquiries about her grandmother are causing disquiet within the powerful local Morgan family.
Will the Morgans prevent Sarah from discovering the truth about her grandmother? And should she risk her glittering career in the UK for a simpler existence in the country, and the possibility of true love?
By the bestselling author of North Star, Morgan's Law takes you on a compelling journey into a young woman's hopes and dreams.