Discover the hauntingly beautiful narrative of Montana 1948, a gripping tale set in the rugged landscapes of the American West. This enthralling novel, penned by acclaimed author Larry Watson, delves into the complexities of family, loyalty, and the dark shadows of hidden truths that can devastate a community. Stemming from a pivotal summer in 1948, follow twelve-year-old David Hayden as he grapples with life-altering revelations that shake the pillars of his family. The Hayden family, once admired as virtuous members of their small Montana town, faces unimaginable turmoil when their reputation is shattered by scandal. David's father, the town sheriff, and his uncle Frank, a revered war hero and doctor, find their legacies intertwined with betrayal and tragedy. The novel explores vital themes of justice, power, and the painful choices that emerge when loyalty and morality collide. With its powerful and poignant storytelling, Montana 1948 is not just a story about family; it is a profound exploration of human nature and societal injustice. This brand new trade paperback edition of 2007 is a significant addition to your collection of American West literature. Order now and experience the emotional depth of this award-winning novel. Free shipping available, with delivery expected within 6 weeks. Note that once your order is placed, it cannot be canceled. Grab your copy of Montana 1948 today and immerse yourself in this unforgettable saga.
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Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781571310613
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2007
Publisher: Milkweed Editions
The tragic tale of a Montana family ripped apart by scandal and murder: “a significant and elegant addition to the fiction of the American West” (Washington Post).
In the summer of 1948, twelve-year-old David Hayden witnessed and experienced a series of cataclysmic events that would forever change the way he saw his family. The Haydens had been pillars of their small Montana town: David’s father was the town sheriff; his uncle Frank was a war hero and respected doctor. But the family’s solid foundation was suddenly shattered by a bombshell revelation.
The Hayden’s Sioux housekeeper, Marie Little Soldier, tells them that Frank has been sexually assaulting his female Indian patients for years—and that she herself was his latest victim. As the tragic fallout unravels around David, he learns that truth is not what one believes it to be, that power is abused, and that sometimes one has to choose between loyalty and justice.
Winner of the Milkweed National Fiction Prize
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781571310613
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2007
Publisher: Milkweed Editions
The tragic tale of a Montana family ripped apart by scandal and murder: “a significant and elegant addition to the fiction of the American West” (Washington Post).
In the summer of 1948, twelve-year-old David Hayden witnessed and experienced a series of cataclysmic events that would forever change the way he saw his family. The Haydens had been pillars of their small Montana town: David’s father was the town sheriff; his uncle Frank was a war hero and respected doctor. But the family’s solid foundation was suddenly shattered by a bombshell revelation.
The Hayden’s Sioux housekeeper, Marie Little Soldier, tells them that Frank has been sexually assaulting his female Indian patients for years—and that she herself was his latest victim. As the tragic fallout unravels around David, he learns that truth is not what one believes it to be, that power is abused, and that sometimes one has to choose between loyalty and justice.
Winner of the Milkweed National Fiction Prize