Discover 'Mirror of our Sorrows', an evocative historical novel set in April 1940 during the tumultuous Phoney War. This deeply engaging tale follows Louise Belmont as she grapples with the chaos of a nation on the brink of collapse. With vivid scenes and compelling characters like the brave conscripts Raoul and Gabriel, bistro-owner Monsieur Jules, and the cunning Desire Migault, readers are drawn into a narrative that reveals long-buried secrets and the strange alliances formed amid harrowing circumstances. Author Pierre Lemaitre artfully portrays the fragile human spirit with both wit and gravity, making this final installment in his award-winning trilogy a must-read for fans of historical fiction. The profound narrative captures the essence of resilience and love amidst war's turmoil, ensuring an unforgettable reading experience. This BRAND NEW paperback edition is published by Quercus Books and offers a gripping journey through France’s desperate hours. Ideal for anyone interested in stories that reflect profound human emotions in times of adversity, 'Mirror of our Sorrows' is a perfect addition to your collection. Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled. Don't miss your chance to explore this exceptional story of survival and solidarity.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781529416916
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2024
Publisher: Quercus Books
"Tremendous and enjoyable" - La Libre Belgique
"A great success" - La Croix
April, 1940. Louise Belmont runs naked down the boulevard du Montparnasse. To understand the traumatic scene she has just witnessed, she will have to plunge headlong into the madness of the Phoney War, as France, seized by the panic of a new European conflict, descends into chaos.
Louise navigates this period of enormous upheaval in parallel with her fellow citizens - including Maginot Line conscripts Raoul and Gabriel, bistro-owner Monsieur Jules and confidence trickster Desire Migault. The looming threat of German occupation uncovers long-buried secrets and makes for strange bedfellows, as one extraordinary twist of fate follows another.
With characteristic wit and verve, Pierre Lemaitre chronicles the fall of a nation crushed by circumstance. The final novel in his award-winning trilogy is an incandescent tale that veers from the tragic to the burlesque.
Translated from the French by Frank Wynne
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781529416916
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2024
Publisher: Quercus Books
"Tremendous and enjoyable" - La Libre Belgique
"A great success" - La Croix
April, 1940. Louise Belmont runs naked down the boulevard du Montparnasse. To understand the traumatic scene she has just witnessed, she will have to plunge headlong into the madness of the Phoney War, as France, seized by the panic of a new European conflict, descends into chaos.
Louise navigates this period of enormous upheaval in parallel with her fellow citizens - including Maginot Line conscripts Raoul and Gabriel, bistro-owner Monsieur Jules and confidence trickster Desire Migault. The looming threat of German occupation uncovers long-buried secrets and makes for strange bedfellows, as one extraordinary twist of fate follows another.
With characteristic wit and verve, Pierre Lemaitre chronicles the fall of a nation crushed by circumstance. The final novel in his award-winning trilogy is an incandescent tale that veers from the tragic to the burlesque.
Translated from the French by Frank Wynne