Discover the heartfelt story of friendship and nostalgia in 'Mayflies', a captivating novel that explores the poignant connection between two inseparable friends, James and Tully. Set against the vibrant backdrop of 1986 Scotland and the rebellious spirit of Manchester, this beautifully crafted narrative captures the essence of youth, love, and the bittersweet passage of time. With glowing reviews highlighting its engaging, witty prose and vivid storytelling, Mayflies is essential reading for anyone who cherishes the joys and sorrows of true companionship. The journey back to the summer of their youth reveals a backdrop rich in music, emotion, and life-changing decisions. As James and Tully navigate the trials of adulthood, they are reminded of the vow they made—to embrace life differently. This touching tale serves as a memorial to the exuberance of youth while addressing the everyday tragedies we all face. Perfect for book clubs and fans of coming-of-age novels, 'Mayflies' resonates deeply with anyone reflecting on their own friendships and experiences. Add this exquisite book to your collection today and relive the unforgettable memories of youth!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780571273713
Year: 2021
Publisher: Faber
'An immensely engaging writer: wry and witty, and insightful.' - Sunday Times
'A vivid and meticulous writer.' - Observer
Everyone has a Tully Dawson: the friend who defines your life.
In the summer of 1986, in a small Scottish town, James and Tully ignite a brilliant friendship based on music, films and the rebel spirit. With school over and the locked world of their fathers before them, they rush towards the climax of their youth: a magical weekend in Manchester, the epicentre of everything that inspires them in working-class Britain. There, against the greatest soundtrack ever recorded, a vow is made: to go at life differently. Thirty years on, half a life away, the phone rings. Tully has news.
Mayflies is a memorial to youth's euphorias and to everyday tragedy. A tender goodbye to an old union, it discovers the joy and the costs of love.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780571273713
Year: 2021
Publisher: Faber
'An immensely engaging writer: wry and witty, and insightful.' - Sunday Times
'A vivid and meticulous writer.' - Observer
Everyone has a Tully Dawson: the friend who defines your life.
In the summer of 1986, in a small Scottish town, James and Tully ignite a brilliant friendship based on music, films and the rebel spirit. With school over and the locked world of their fathers before them, they rush towards the climax of their youth: a magical weekend in Manchester, the epicentre of everything that inspires them in working-class Britain. There, against the greatest soundtrack ever recorded, a vow is made: to go at life differently. Thirty years on, half a life away, the phone rings. Tully has news.
Mayflies is a memorial to youth's euphorias and to everyday tragedy. A tender goodbye to an old union, it discovers the joy and the costs of love.