Discover the enchanting world of 'Masher,' a whimsical illustrated novel perfect for children aged eight and older. This captivating story revolves around twelve-year-old Freddie Foxworthy, who is more comfortable in his creative bubble than dealing with his peers. His passion for arts and crafts takes a hilariously unexpected turn when he accidentally creates a mischievous glove puppet with a personality all its own. Masher, imbued with the spirit of his neighbor's late bull terrier, becomes an unpredictable and feisty companion, leading Freddie on a series of entertaining escapades filled with mystery, humor, and heartfelt lessons about friendship and creativity. Written by the renowned Fifi Colston, this delightful tale combines elements of animal companionship, imagination, and self-discovery, providing readers with a memorable literary experience. With 224 pages of engaging illustrations and witty dialogue, 'Masher' is a must-have addition to any young reader's bookshelf, encouraging creative thinking and the joy of making. Grab your copy today and dive into a world where chaos meets creativity. Ships fast with tracking for your convenience, ensuring that the magic of 'Masher' arrives safely at your door.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143775683
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Penguin NZ
Pages: 224
What would you do if you accidentally created a barking-mad glove puppet, with sharp teeth, a fierce attitude and an unpredictable mouth?
A boy and a fast-talking terrier glove puppet form a hilarious double act in this warm and funny illustrated novel for readers eight years and older.
Twelve-year-old Freddie Foxworthy just wants to do arts and crafts. He finds them a lot easier to deal with than his peers, and far more rewarding. His latest project is to create the perfect glove puppet from papier-mache. But when ashes from his metalhead neighbour's deceased bull terrier get into the mix, he finds he has accidentally made a growling puppet with an unpredictable mouth!
Freddie has an overload of mysteries to solve - who is to blame for the late Masher's death? Was Masher responsible for the disappearance a neighbourhood cat? And, most of all, is Masher actually for real? Surely Freddie couldn't be causing all this chaos himself?
Masher is acclaimed author, illustrator and arts-and-crafts guru Fifi Colston's warm and funny novel about animal companions, imaginary friends, perceived enemies, and finding your happy place.
No dogs or papier-mache were harmed in the making of this book.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143775683
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Penguin NZ
Pages: 224
What would you do if you accidentally created a barking-mad glove puppet, with sharp teeth, a fierce attitude and an unpredictable mouth?
A boy and a fast-talking terrier glove puppet form a hilarious double act in this warm and funny illustrated novel for readers eight years and older.
Twelve-year-old Freddie Foxworthy just wants to do arts and crafts. He finds them a lot easier to deal with than his peers, and far more rewarding. His latest project is to create the perfect glove puppet from papier-mache. But when ashes from his metalhead neighbour's deceased bull terrier get into the mix, he finds he has accidentally made a growling puppet with an unpredictable mouth!
Freddie has an overload of mysteries to solve - who is to blame for the late Masher's death? Was Masher responsible for the disappearance a neighbourhood cat? And, most of all, is Masher actually for real? Surely Freddie couldn't be causing all this chaos himself?
Masher is acclaimed author, illustrator and arts-and-crafts guru Fifi Colston's warm and funny novel about animal companions, imaginary friends, perceived enemies, and finding your happy place.
No dogs or papier-mache were harmed in the making of this book.