Title: Maggie: A Girl of the Streets and Other ...
Publisher: Wordsworth Editions 05/01/2005
Publication Date: 2005
Binding: Soft cover
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets and Other Stories
"Maggie" is an astonishing novel of social realism, which parallels many of today's ills. Set in the urban squalor of New York in the 1890s, it follows the careers of the innocent Maggie and her brother Jimmie, children of brutal and drunken parents. It is a tour-de-force equal to "The Red Badge of Courage." Also included in this volume are seven of Stephen Crane's short stories: "The Monster" is a novelette which provides a bitter commentary on man's inhumanity to man; "The Blue Hotel", a tale of murder in a small Nebraska town; and, "His New Mittens", which concerns the reflections of a runaway boy, is followed by four stories of sensation and excitement.
Title: Maggie: A Girl of the Streets and Other ...
Publisher: Wordsworth Editions 05/01/2005
Publication Date: 2005
Binding: Soft cover
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets and Other Stories
"Maggie" is an astonishing novel of social realism, which parallels many of today's ills. Set in the urban squalor of New York in the 1890s, it follows the careers of the innocent Maggie and her brother Jimmie, children of brutal and drunken parents. It is a tour-de-force equal to "The Red Badge of Courage." Also included in this volume are seven of Stephen Crane's short stories: "The Monster" is a novelette which provides a bitter commentary on man's inhumanity to man; "The Blue Hotel", a tale of murder in a small Nebraska town; and, "His New Mittens", which concerns the reflections of a runaway boy, is followed by four stories of sensation and excitement.