Embark on an enchanting adventure with 'Maddy and the Prince,' a captivating story designed for young readers. Perfect for Year 1 and Year 2 students, this beautifully illustrated narrative, part of the award-winning Flying Start to Literacy series, follows Maddy as she rescues a lost prince from the depths of a lush forest and guides him back to his palace. With a reading level of 11, this engaging tale introduces children to vital concepts of friendship and teamwork, providing an excellent foundation for discussions about health, physical education, and outdoor activities. Whether it's hiking through nature or cozying up with a cup of hot chocolate, this story emphasizes the joys and benefits of exploring the natural environment. Featuring high-frequency words such as 'back,' 'find,' and 'big,' young readers will improve their literacy skills while enjoying the adventures of a brave girl and a charming prince. The book also includes valuable lesson plans designed to enhance comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. Delivering quality literature to enhance young learners' reading journeys, this delightful title is a must-have for any educational library. NOTE: Shipping for this item is FREE. Please allow 15 days for delivery. As this book is shipped from our Auckland warehouse, there are no unexpected import charges, custom duties, or taxes.
NOTE: Shipping for this item is FREE, please allow 15 days for shipping. As its shipped from our Auckland warehouse there is no unexpected import charges, custom duties or taxes.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781742340777
Year: 2019
Publisher: ECPP
Pages: 16
About this text:Title:Maddy and the Prince Synopsis:  Maddy and the Prince is a story about a prince who gets lost in the forest. He is rescued by Maddy who helps him hike back to his palace. Year level(s): 1  2 Reading level: 11 Text type: Narrative Curriculum link: Health and Physical Education: Relationships Content vocabulary: backpack forest hike hot chocolate king noodles packed prince queen sleeping bags tent High frequency words: New: away back big find him let(’s) never next these while until Key concepts: Hiking is a pastime that some people enjoy. Hiking allows people to explore the natural environment. Hiking helps people to keep fit and healthy. Reading strategies: Reading punctuation Phonics: Identifying the /s/ sound represented by ce as in palace, prince Paired text: Hiking Supporting material: Lesson Plan - Hiking / Maddy and the Prince Series: Flying Start to Literacy Alternative purchasing options: This title is available in one of several value packs. Speak to your Oxford Education consultant today to learn more Digital sample pages: can be viewed at Series information: Flying Start to Literacy is an award-winning comprehensive literacy program. It reflects best practice in literacy instruction and supports the systematic development of students’ reading strategies and skills. Each Student Book is part of connected pair, a narrative book and an informative book, both presenting the same key concepts and vocabulary. These titles have been trialled with a range of readers, including English language le
NOTE: Shipping for this item is FREE, please allow 15 days for shipping. As its shipped from our Auckland warehouse there is no unexpected import charges, custom duties or taxes.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781742340777
Year: 2019
Publisher: ECPP
Pages: 16
About this text:Title:Maddy and the Prince Synopsis:  Maddy and the Prince is a story about a prince who gets lost in the forest. He is rescued by Maddy who helps him hike back to his palace. Year level(s): 1  2 Reading level: 11 Text type: Narrative Curriculum link: Health and Physical Education: Relationships Content vocabulary: backpack forest hike hot chocolate king noodles packed prince queen sleeping bags tent High frequency words: New: away back big find him let(’s) never next these while until Key concepts: Hiking is a pastime that some people enjoy. Hiking allows people to explore the natural environment. Hiking helps people to keep fit and healthy. Reading strategies: Reading punctuation Phonics: Identifying the /s/ sound represented by ce as in palace, prince Paired text: Hiking Supporting material: Lesson Plan - Hiking / Maddy and the Prince Series: Flying Start to Literacy Alternative purchasing options: This title is available in one of several value packs. Speak to your Oxford Education consultant today to learn more Digital sample pages: can be viewed at Series information: Flying Start to Literacy is an award-winning comprehensive literacy program. It reflects best practice in literacy instruction and supports the systematic development of students’ reading strategies and skills. Each Student Book is part of connected pair, a narrative book and an informative book, both presenting the same key concepts and vocabulary. These titles have been trialled with a range of readers, including English language le