Discover the enchanting world of 'Lulu Bell and the Moon Dragon', a heartwarming children’s book that celebrates friendship, family, and joyful adventures. This delightful story features the beloved character Lulu Bell, who finds herself immersed in the excitement of the Moon Festival alongside her best friend, Molly. With plenty of dragon costumes, vibrant paper lanterns, and delicious moon cakes to prepare, this 96-page B-format paperback (ISBN: 9781760892265) is perfect for young readers eager to join in the fun and creativity of festival preparations.
In 2019, Penguin Australia Pty Ltd delighted readers with this beautifully illustrated tale that inspires imagination and showcases the importance of community and teamwork. With its charming narrative, 'Lulu Bell and the Moon Dragon' is an ideal addition to your child’s bookshelf, making it a perfect gift for birthdays or special occasions.
Get ready for a Moon Festival to remember with Lulu and her friends! Whether reading at home or sharing in a classroom, this story will spark joy and connection, making it a favorite for children and parents alike. Experience the magic of Lulu Bell's world today!
DELIVERY INFORMATION: Each order will be shipped promptly, ensuring you receive your brand new paperback copy quickly and in perfect condition. Enjoy the wonder of this delightful tale with fast delivery to your door, right here in New Zealand.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760892265
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2019
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 96
Meet Lulu Bell. Where there's Lulu, there's family, friends, animals and adventures galore!
Lulu's best friend, Molly, is preparing for the Moon Festival. But there's so much to do! There are dragon costumes and paper lanterns to make, and yummy moon cakes to bake, too.
Lulu and her mum offer to help out, and soon everyone gets involved. This will be a Moon Festival to remember!
In 2019, Penguin Australia Pty Ltd delighted readers with this beautifully illustrated tale that inspires imagination and showcases the importance of community and teamwork. With its charming narrative, 'Lulu Bell and the Moon Dragon' is an ideal addition to your child’s bookshelf, making it a perfect gift for birthdays or special occasions.
Get ready for a Moon Festival to remember with Lulu and her friends! Whether reading at home or sharing in a classroom, this story will spark joy and connection, making it a favorite for children and parents alike. Experience the magic of Lulu Bell's world today!
DELIVERY INFORMATION: Each order will be shipped promptly, ensuring you receive your brand new paperback copy quickly and in perfect condition. Enjoy the wonder of this delightful tale with fast delivery to your door, right here in New Zealand.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760892265
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2019
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 96
Meet Lulu Bell. Where there's Lulu, there's family, friends, animals and adventures galore!
Lulu's best friend, Molly, is preparing for the Moon Festival. But there's so much to do! There are dragon costumes and paper lanterns to make, and yummy moon cakes to bake, too.
Lulu and her mum offer to help out, and soon everyone gets involved. This will be a Moon Festival to remember!