Embark on an exhilarating journey through the untamed frontier with this captivating title, published in 2023 by Atlantic. Set in the summer of 1877, this novel tells the gripping story of Bridget, a young girl who becomes an orphan when her father tragically dies from a snakebite while crossing the unforgiving Kansas prairie. Alone and penniless, Bridget arrives in Dodge City, quickly swept into the vibrant yet dangerous world of the Buffalo Queen brothel. Here, she forms an unexpected bond with her bookish mentor Constance, which helps to secure her place in this tumultuous environment as the favored companion of Sheriff's Deputy Jim Bonnie. However, life takes a thrilling turn with the arrival of the fierce female gunfighter, Spartan Lee, with whom Bridget falls deeply in love. This romantic entanglement sets off a chain of events that upends the power dynamics at the Queen and ultimately leads to unexpected betrayals. As winter closes in, Bridget, Constance, and Lila find their lives in chaos and plots revenge against those who have wronged them. Written with sharp wit and emotional depth, this riveting tale explores themes of female empowerment, queer love, and the bonds of friendship amid the struggles of frontier life. An enthralling read for fans of feminist fiction and revenge thrillers alike, this book appeals to anyone seeking stories of resilience and adventure in a historical context. Order now and dive into this remarkable narrative! Fast shipping available to ensure you enjoy your new favorite read without delay.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781838956745
Year: 2023
Publisher: Atlantic
In the summer of 1877, Bridget is orphaned when her unreliable father succumbs to a snakebite asthey're crossing the Kansas prairie. Arriving in Dodge City as a penniless orphan, she's quicklyrecruited for work at the Buffalo Queen brothel and befriends her bookish mentor Constance,securing her home and employment as the favourite of Sheriff's Deputy Jim Bonnie. As winter creepsin from the plains, female gunfighter Spartan Lee rides into town, and Bridget falls in love withher the moment their paths cross. Their affair threatens the balance of power at the Queen, but isinterrupted when an old flame returns to the brothel, setting off a series of double-crosses thatresult in the destruction of the Buffalo Queen and a searing heartbreak for Bridget. Their lives inruins, Bridget, Constance and Lila resolve to take revenge on those who wronged them - but willthey succeed in their mission? In a misogynistic world of outlaws and gunfights, nothing is certain...
A sharply realised, caustically witty and often moving revisionist depiction of frontier life thatexplores through its feminist heroine queer love, female friendships and the idea of a 'found'family in a page-turning romp of a female revenge thriller.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781838956745
Year: 2023
Publisher: Atlantic
In the summer of 1877, Bridget is orphaned when her unreliable father succumbs to a snakebite asthey're crossing the Kansas prairie. Arriving in Dodge City as a penniless orphan, she's quicklyrecruited for work at the Buffalo Queen brothel and befriends her bookish mentor Constance,securing her home and employment as the favourite of Sheriff's Deputy Jim Bonnie. As winter creepsin from the plains, female gunfighter Spartan Lee rides into town, and Bridget falls in love withher the moment their paths cross. Their affair threatens the balance of power at the Queen, but isinterrupted when an old flame returns to the brothel, setting off a series of double-crosses thatresult in the destruction of the Buffalo Queen and a searing heartbreak for Bridget. Their lives inruins, Bridget, Constance and Lila resolve to take revenge on those who wronged them - but willthey succeed in their mission? In a misogynistic world of outlaws and gunfights, nothing is certain...
A sharply realised, caustically witty and often moving revisionist depiction of frontier life thatexplores through its feminist heroine queer love, female friendships and the idea of a 'found'family in a page-turning romp of a female revenge thriller.