Looking After Scotty is an engaging narrative that captivates young readers, featuring two children on an adventurous journey as they care for their neighbor's naughty, smelly dog. This delightful children's book immerses students in a world where they must manage unexpected surprises, like the dog running away and returning covered in burrs, prickles, and seeds. With engaging content that aligns with Year levels 1 and 2, this story is perfect for developing reading skills at a level 15 reading complexity. Enhance your child's literacy with the Flying Start to Literacy series, which emphasizes key scientific concepts about plants and their interactions with animals. Your child will learn about the fascinating world of burrs, creeping plants, prickles, and sticky seeds through a fun and relatable story. Ideal for educators and parents alike, 'Looking After Scotty' provides essential vocabulary and reading strategies, ensuring children not only read but also comprehend the material fluently. This brand new book, published in 2019 by ECPP, features 24 vibrant pages filled with adventures and learning opportunities. Don't miss this chance to foster a love for reading in your child, while also introducing them to science lessons about living things. NOTE: Shipping for this item is FREE, please allow 15 days for shipping. As it's shipped from our Auckland warehouse, there are no unexpected import charges, custom duties, or taxes.
NOTE: Shipping for this item is FREE, please allow 15 days for shipping. As its shipped from our Auckland warehouse there is no unexpected import charges, custom duties or taxes.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781742340999
Year: 2019
Publisher: ECPP
Pages: 24
About this text:Title:Looking After Scotty Synopsis:  Looking After Scotty is a narrative about two children who look after their neighbour’s smelly, naughty dog. The dog runs away and gets burrs, seeds and prickles all over him. He is a very difficult dog to look after! Year level(s): 1  2 Reading level: 15 Text type: Narrative Curriculum link: Science: Living things  plants, structure and function Content vocabulary: burrs creeping plants oily prickles prickly seeds sticky High frequency words: Key concepts: Some plants stick on animals, some plants trap animals and some plants poison animals. Reading strategies: Reading dialogue with phrasing and fluency Phonics: Identifying the /oi/ sound in poisonous, oils Paired text: Sticky and Dangerous Plants Supporting material: Lesson Plan - Sticky and Dangerous Plants / Looking After Scotty Series: Flying Start to Literacy Alternative purchasing options: This title is available in one of several value packs. Speak to your Oxford Education consultant today to learn more Digital sample pages: can be viewed at Series information: Flying Start to Literacy is an award-winning comprehensive literacy program. It reflects best practice in literacy instruction and supports the systematic development of students’ reading strategies and skills. Each Student Book is part of connected pair, a narrative book and an informative book, both presenting the same key concepts and vocabulary. These titles have been trialled with a range of readers, including English language learners
NOTE: Shipping for this item is FREE, please allow 15 days for shipping. As its shipped from our Auckland warehouse there is no unexpected import charges, custom duties or taxes.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781742340999
Year: 2019
Publisher: ECPP
Pages: 24
About this text:Title:Looking After Scotty Synopsis:  Looking After Scotty is a narrative about two children who look after their neighbour’s smelly, naughty dog. The dog runs away and gets burrs, seeds and prickles all over him. He is a very difficult dog to look after! Year level(s): 1  2 Reading level: 15 Text type: Narrative Curriculum link: Science: Living things  plants, structure and function Content vocabulary: burrs creeping plants oily prickles prickly seeds sticky High frequency words: Key concepts: Some plants stick on animals, some plants trap animals and some plants poison animals. Reading strategies: Reading dialogue with phrasing and fluency Phonics: Identifying the /oi/ sound in poisonous, oils Paired text: Sticky and Dangerous Plants Supporting material: Lesson Plan - Sticky and Dangerous Plants / Looking After Scotty Series: Flying Start to Literacy Alternative purchasing options: This title is available in one of several value packs. Speak to your Oxford Education consultant today to learn more Digital sample pages: can be viewed at Series information: Flying Start to Literacy is an award-winning comprehensive literacy program. It reflects best practice in literacy instruction and supports the systematic development of students’ reading strategies and skills. Each Student Book is part of connected pair, a narrative book and an informative book, both presenting the same key concepts and vocabulary. These titles have been trialled with a range of readers, including English language learners