Unravel the complexities of obsession with the captivating novel 'Lolita', written by the renowned author Vladimir Nabokov. This B-format paperback edition, published by Penguin UK in 2000, presents a fresh perspective on an enduring classic. The story unfolds through the eyes of Humbert Humbert, a middle-aged, meticulous college professor whose obsession for the enchanting young girl, Lolita, distorts the line between love and insanity. With 336 pages of intricate prose, Nabokov's masterful use of language and narrative invites readers to explore themes of desire, obsession, and moral ambiguity. Will you delve into Humbert's turbulent psyche and question the nature of love? As you immerse yourself in this provocative tale, prepare to confront the darker sides of humanity and artistry. Perfect for literary enthusiasts and those seeking thought-provoking fiction, 'Lolita' is a timeless exploration of complexities in human relationships. This brand new paperback is not only a provocative read but also an essential addition to any book lover's collection. Fast and reliable delivery ensures that you can start your literary journey without delay. Order your copy of 'Lolita' today and experience the brilliance of Nabokov's writing!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141182537
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2000
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 336
Humbert Humbert is a middle-aged, fastidious college professor. He also likes little girls. And none more so than Lolita, who he'll do anything to possess. Is he in love or insane? A silver-tongued poet or a pervert? A tortured soul or a monster? ...Or is he all of these?
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141182537
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2000
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 336
Humbert Humbert is a middle-aged, fastidious college professor. He also likes little girls. And none more so than Lolita, who he'll do anything to possess. Is he in love or insane? A silver-tongued poet or a pervert? A tortured soul or a monster? ...Or is he all of these?