Discover the thrilling and comedic world of 'Little Badman and the Invasion of the Killer Aunties', a captivating adventure by online sensation Humza Arshad and award-winning writer Henry White. This B-format paperback, published by Penguin UK in 2019, is perfect for young readers who enjoy engaging and fast-paced stories that spark laughter and excitement. Join Humza Khan, the eleven-year-old rap prodigy from Eggington, who’s on a mission to uncover the mystery behind his disappearing teachers and their suspicious replacements. As ominous aunties invade the school, Humza realizes that his chance to record his first rap song is at stake! With his best friends Umer and Wendy by his side, he faces the challenge head-on, battling quirky antics and endless snacks thrown into the mix. Will the trio be able to stop the Killer Aunties before they unleash their dastardly plans? This 352-page paperback is not just a story; it’s a rollercoaster ride filled with humor, friendship, and the timeless quest for truth. Perfect as a gift for children ages 9-13, this book is guaranteed to keep them entertained. Grab your copy of 'Little Badman and the Invasion of the Killer Aunties' today and embark on a fantastic journey full of laughs and adventure. Fast shipping options are available!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241340608
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2019
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 352
A hilarious, mischievous and fast-paced adventure story from online comedian Humza Arshad and Channel 4 New Comedy Writer's Award winner, Henry White.
Humza Khan is the greatest eleven-year-old rapper Eggington has ever known- he is Little Badman and soon everyone will know his name.
The problem is, school has got really weird- one by one, all the teachers are disappearing and suspicious aunties are taking over. It isn't so bad though, Humza can still record his first song and the aunties are very generous with snacks.
But when they start to mess with his music, Humza has to get to the bottom of what's going on. With the help of his friends Umer and Wendy, Humza must hunt for the truth. Can he stop the aunties before they carry out their evil plan?
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241340608
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2019
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 352
A hilarious, mischievous and fast-paced adventure story from online comedian Humza Arshad and Channel 4 New Comedy Writer's Award winner, Henry White.
Humza Khan is the greatest eleven-year-old rapper Eggington has ever known- he is Little Badman and soon everyone will know his name.
The problem is, school has got really weird- one by one, all the teachers are disappearing and suspicious aunties are taking over. It isn't so bad though, Humza can still record his first song and the aunties are very generous with snacks.
But when they start to mess with his music, Humza has to get to the bottom of what's going on. With the help of his friends Umer and Wendy, Humza must hunt for the truth. Can he stop the aunties before they carry out their evil plan?