Dive into the captivating world of 'Leonardo Forever' by Richard Yaxley, a mesmerizing historical fiction novel set in 1465 that sparks the imagination. This enchanting tale follows the journey of fourteen-year-old Annalisa de Torriano, as she embarks on a reluctant summer journey with her family to her father's new estate near the picturesque village of Vinci. While Annalisa longs for her former life of privilege in the affluent city of Florence, her heart soon finds solace in the serene beauty of the countryside.
In her new surroundings, Annalisa encounters the brilliant and charismatic young Leonardo da Vinci, the King of the Forest, whose creativity and charm captivate her. Alongside his devoted companion Dante, Leonardo introduces Annalisa to a world of wonder and inspiration. As she becomes entranced by this prolific artist and thinker, Annalisa’s dreams for the future begin to shift.
However, as their relationships deepen, Annalisa must navigate the complexities of love and friendship in a world where reality can often be deceiving. 'Leonardo Forever' explores themes of infatuation, identity, and the transformative power of art, making it a must-read for fans of historical romance and Renaissance tales.
With 256 pages of richly woven narrative, this book is published by Scholastic Australia and will take you on a journey through the heart of Italy during one of its most vibrant periods. Get ready to be swept away by passion, adventure, and the timeless allure of Leonardo da Vinci's world.
**Delivery Information:** Your order will typically be processed and shipped within 2-3 business days. Delivery time may vary based on your location. Enjoy free shipping on orders over NZD 50. Experience the magical story of 'Leonardo Forever' today!
Leonardo Forever
By Yaxley, Richard
Number of Pages 256
In the summer of 1465, fourteen-year-old Annalisa de Torriano reluctantly travels with her family to her father's new estate near the village of Vinci. Although she misses her privileged life, and the wealthy Matteo, in magnificent Florence, Annalisa is soon entranced by the free...dom the countryside offers-and by the brilliant and charming young King of the Forest, Leonardo da Vinci, who, alongside his beloved companion Dante, quickly befriends her. Mesmerised by Leo's intelligence and beauty, an infatuated Annalisa starts to dream of a different life. But her dreams are an illusion, and as her relationship with Leo unfolds, it is Dante who will change all their lives forever.
In her new surroundings, Annalisa encounters the brilliant and charismatic young Leonardo da Vinci, the King of the Forest, whose creativity and charm captivate her. Alongside his devoted companion Dante, Leonardo introduces Annalisa to a world of wonder and inspiration. As she becomes entranced by this prolific artist and thinker, Annalisa’s dreams for the future begin to shift.
However, as their relationships deepen, Annalisa must navigate the complexities of love and friendship in a world where reality can often be deceiving. 'Leonardo Forever' explores themes of infatuation, identity, and the transformative power of art, making it a must-read for fans of historical romance and Renaissance tales.
With 256 pages of richly woven narrative, this book is published by Scholastic Australia and will take you on a journey through the heart of Italy during one of its most vibrant periods. Get ready to be swept away by passion, adventure, and the timeless allure of Leonardo da Vinci's world.
**Delivery Information:** Your order will typically be processed and shipped within 2-3 business days. Delivery time may vary based on your location. Enjoy free shipping on orders over NZD 50. Experience the magical story of 'Leonardo Forever' today!
Leonardo Forever
By Yaxley, Richard
Number of Pages 256
In the summer of 1465, fourteen-year-old Annalisa de Torriano reluctantly travels with her family to her father's new estate near the village of Vinci. Although she misses her privileged life, and the wealthy Matteo, in magnificent Florence, Annalisa is soon entranced by the free...dom the countryside offers-and by the brilliant and charming young King of the Forest, Leonardo da Vinci, who, alongside his beloved companion Dante, quickly befriends her. Mesmerised by Leo's intelligence and beauty, an infatuated Annalisa starts to dream of a different life. But her dreams are an illusion, and as her relationship with Leo unfolds, it is Dante who will change all their lives forever.